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Poor Charlie

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It's a hard decision to make - but when the time is right its the kindest thing you'll ever do.

Thinking of you and Charlie

Alison xxx

I am thinking of you and Charlie this morning, I hope you manage to make the right decision for him and let him go if the time is right


Poppy Mole:
Love & hugs to you both xx

Big hugs x

Well Charlie had a stressful day today, emergency appointment at the vets.  His bottom has been cleaned and shaved, and his lumps cut out.  He had blood tests, and the results were immediate (better than national health service), and his kidneys and liver function is not too good, but not terrible for an old cat.  Vet a bit worried about his back legs giving way (I know the feeling) as he can't poo and clean himself, so have to keep an eye on him.  He is having a lovely sleep on my new leather settee (on the throw).  Vet was very good, and said we had to keep a close eye on him, and if he gets worse will have to make the decision to have him put to sleep which she said would be kinder than to let him struggle on. But he lives to fight another day, apart from the fact I am £130 short of cash, but OH wouldn't hear of having him put to sleep, and it is my fault and I wasn't washing his bottom everyday.  The flies had given him maggots, which has put me off eating for days. Very impressed with this new vet, and the other one caused be a lot of guilt about not putting an old cat through very expensive treatment, but this one was great, and said go back if he gets worse and it would be kinder to have him put to sleep than let him suffer (which I agree with).


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