The Show > Pumpkin 'tastic

Carved pumpkin

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I couldn't post a pic of my of my 79lb-er in the competition thread as my daughter had taken it away for carving for Hallowe'en. She sent me this pic today - I think he's going to look great all lit up!

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(She did say that it was a really tough old b*gger to carve and, even hollowed out, was heavy to move around and that if I grow a bigger one next year I can do it myself!!! She also mentioned that the seeds weren't very big - so it looks as if I'll be scrounging again next year, please Pete!)

That's brilliant! First year here with nobody to carve a pumpkin for/with. :(

my grandkids are scooping the insides out of their home grown ones at the moment, I'll take pictures when they've finished  ;D

Great job by grower and carver ;D

Thanks all! :-*

I look forward to seeing all your photos - especially the ones done by youngsters. I think my daughter's two lads were responsible for the big fella's little friend!


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