Author Topic: Dale Farm  (Read 15663 times)

Mr Smith

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Re: Dale Farm
« Reply #20 on: September 19, 2011, 18:59:13 »
Last month in Leicestershire we had a contingent of French travellers camping on the roundabout at jct 21 of the M1, have they never heard of Lay-bys, :)

Nigel B

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Re: Dale Farm
« Reply #21 on: September 19, 2011, 19:10:32 »

Good old Job Seekers Allowance eh? If there are riots or crowd disturbances at all, let's go for those on JSA. Spot a crime in progress? The offenders must be on benefits eh? Read something you don't like in the Daily Heil? Probably benefits scroungers............
Get a grip Ace. Believe it or not, not every wrongdoer is on the dole.

I would read it again if I was you. Job seekers allowance should mean just that, go and seek for a job. If you are otherwise engaged come off of it and stop taking the working tax payers money. I also said 'check to see' and aimed my concerns at job seekers not all benefit claimers.

I wondered for a while if you were a claiment yourself and felt the need the support your brothers, fair play if you are and  actively seeking work

 I have never had to claim for being out of work, don't call me lucky, I made sure I would never be in that position. Even when I was supposed to be un-employable due to being deemed disabled by the authorities. I found a job I could do.

Y'know Ace, there's not much that pisses bores a disabled gardener off more than the overproud boasting of one of life's 'lucky' people. One can never make sure of their health. Some are lucky, some not.
That aside your casual, if expected, remarks about people that have a perfect right to peaceful protest by inferring they are on jsa, or that one should “check to see” suggest you don't seem to have accepted people's right to peaceful assembly, without harassment from the authorities.
Who should demand to see their papers? The police? You?

This country used to have room for all of societies 'misfits' or those that live a little differently to the 'Norm', whatever that is.
We really have become a nation populated by people that care not for others, NIMBY's rule, it seems.

We don't claim benefits either.
"Carry on therefore with your good work.  Do not rest on your spades, except for those brief periods which are every gardeners privilege."


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Re: Dale Farm
« Reply #22 on: September 19, 2011, 19:14:52 »
This country is too soft these days.

If one does it we should all be allowed to do it.............. ::)

Mr Smith

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Re: Dale Farm
« Reply #23 on: September 19, 2011, 19:55:55 »
An easy way out of the Traveller problem in Eire was for the Irish government to provided  new caravans and vehicles for Travellers to,  'Come over the water', and dump themselves on  the Great British taxpayer, I'm not going to call them names because I think most of us who are grown up know what this lot  from 'Over the water' are all about, my sympathies go with the people Basildon and the surrounding area of Essex, good riddance and shove off back 'Over the water', 


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Re: Dale Farm
« Reply #24 on: September 19, 2011, 19:57:54 »
I'm not sure where I stand on this story, as there are so many stories around it's hard to know what to believe, but I do know this:

1. The travellers own the land.

2. The tarmac and concrete was there before they moved in, so it's not very green "green belt"

3. £18m to move them off doesn't seem like the best use of the council's money.


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Re: Dale Farm
« Reply #25 on: September 19, 2011, 20:24:30 »
Yes but we are prevented from doing anything at all about them, and having to suffer them walking all over us and taking the piss by a combination of looney left and liberal tree huggers and the insidious EU Court, the ECHR and the evil Human Rights Act thats has turned justice and common sense upside down and given perpatrators of crimes more right than victims and the State. Its high time all three were told to sling there hook and we take control of our country again.

We will always have this problem as long as the bleeding hert liberals have a grip on power. The solution is to stop voting Lib Dem or Labour.


1. Just because you own land doesnt mean you can build on it. Thats what Planning Permission is about.

2. They had planning permission to build 25 pitches on half the field. They then proceeded to lay out 68 pitches. You do not know when or who laid the concrete on the illegal half. It may well have been a field with hardstanding for the farmers machinery, for example (you see plenty round Lincolnshire), but thats not an invitation to build an illegal housing estate just because you buy the field.

3. £18M is worth it to preserve the rule of law, because once you have lost this battle, peopel will build where ever they like and know they can get away with it. Commo nsense tells most of us you cant have a building free for all, otherwise all our beauty spots, allotments and national parks will soon be turned into housing estates.
« Last Edit: September 19, 2011, 20:33:24 by lincsyokel2 »
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Re: Dale Farm
« Reply #26 on: September 19, 2011, 22:15:03 »
Commo nsense tells most of us you cant have a building free for all, otherwise all our beauty spots, allotments and national parks will soon be turned into housing estates.

ain't that exactly what the Right Wing are suggesting?
You couldn't make it up!


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Re: Dale Farm
« Reply #27 on: September 19, 2011, 22:44:41 »
Now just to get this straight, because I had the audacity to suggest that some of the peaceful demonstrators could be on Jobseekers allowances and as such should really be job seeking instead of protesting. I  am deemed gullible enough to believe all that is printed in some of our more dubious newspapers, I am accused of calling every benefit claimant a criminal,I am also accused of being against  people having the right to holding a peaceful protest. There is also a good chance I could be a NIMBY

Just to put the record straight, I have no problem with job seekers signing off for the day and supporting worthy causes, but I resent the public purse being spent on job seekers who are not actively job seeking. I expect a lot of these protesters believe in what they are doing. I would say they have been mislead themselves, but if that is what they want to do good luck to them. Just sign off for the day is all I ask.

Just as every person guilty or not, are subject to on the spot searches for drink driving,  terrorism, drugs, guns etc. I see no problem asking if they are on job seekers benefits and have they signed off for the day.

This whole situation has been badly handled from the start and the local council should have put their foot down to start with, not leave it for 10 years. But I suspect they listened to the bleeding hearts and also had their hands tied by the convoluted planning regulations. A lesson should be learned here and other councils should be taking note not to let it happen to them.


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Re: Dale Farm
« Reply #28 on: September 19, 2011, 22:49:32 »
Commo nsense tells most of us you cant have a building free for all, otherwise all our beauty spots, allotments and national parks will soon be turned into housing estates.

ain't that exactly what the Right Wing are suggesting?

Developers are currently sittingon enough land to build 600,000 houses. The reason they are not building on it is because they are waiting for changes in planning laws that will make it easier for them to get plans passed that they know currently will get rejected. In fact some of them know theres no default plan set up by the loacal authority, and so there plans then have to be passed unchecked. These planners will lodge plans at 8 oclock on the day the laws take efffect in order to outflank the Local Authority before the LA gets there act together and lodges a standard plan.

And thats demonstration of the way developers think, and its clear that without planning laws, there would indeed be housing estates in the middle of Dalby Forest and on top of  Snowdonia.

Why are you trying to suggest that planning laws are a bad thing ? Do you want a cheap tacky theme pub on the top of Snowdonia?
« Last Edit: September 19, 2011, 22:51:08 by lincsyokel2 »
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louise stella

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Re: Dale Farm
« Reply #29 on: September 19, 2011, 23:01:24 »
You do not pay council tax or water rates in ireland - but it's something that is being looked at.

The Irish govt giving travellers new carvans and cars to come over here to live in?  Oh come on - what red top did you read that one in?


But - I do think they should be moved on - however 36 "caravans" have planning permission and will stay.  The 53 that do not should be moved on. 

I could afford about an acre of agricultural land around here - how nice it would be to do that and buy a "park home" to live in.  I could then grow all my own veg and have lots more chickens and a horse or two!  I could sell my house to do it and have no mortgage!  Why don't we all do that? the answers simple really - we'd be thrown off in the blink of an eye! 

I hate red tape like most people do - but I am law abiding! 

Caravans have wheels so they can move - simple!
Grow yer bugger grow!

louise stella

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Re: Dale Farm
« Reply #30 on: September 19, 2011, 23:09:12 »
I'm with ACE on this one.  Why should they be allowed to not pay their way like tax paying normal folk.  They proclaim they want to be treated the same as anyone else yet they avoid rules and regulations that us law abiding people adhere to.  Can't have it both ways!!

Apparently - according to the guy from BAsildon council on LBC this afternoon - they do collect rates from some of the residents.  When challenged that this effectively acknowledges their right to live there he refuted it by saying that the council  still collects rates from houses where there is a building dispute so this is the same.  Rates are for the services used, not the house itself - he said.
Grow yer bugger grow!


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Re: Dale Farm
« Reply #31 on: September 20, 2011, 14:14:59 »
Do you want a cheap tacky theme pub on the top of Snowdonia?

yes please! it would go with the cafe and train station already on the top of Snowdon.
You couldn't make it up!


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Re: Dale Farm
« Reply #32 on: September 20, 2011, 16:17:47 »

Caravans have wheels so they can move - simple!

Caravans have wheels so they SHOULD move - simple.

Don't these people call themselves 'travellers'?


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Re: Dale Farm
« Reply #33 on: September 20, 2011, 17:25:05 »

no, not the 2 blondes, the "caravan" behind them

Mr Smith

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Re: Dale Farm
« Reply #34 on: September 20, 2011, 18:46:35 »
You do not pay council tax or water rates in ireland - but it's something that is being looked at.

The Irish govt giving travellers new carvans and cars to come over here to live in?  Oh come on - what red top did you read that one in?


But - I do think they should be moved on - however 36 "caravans" have planning permission and will stay.  The 53 that do not should be moved on. 

I could afford about an acre of agricultural land around here - how nice it would be to do that and buy a "park home" to live in.  I could then grow all my own veg and have lots more chickens and a horse or two!  I could sell my house to do it and have no mortgage!  Why don't we all do that? the answers simple really - we'd be thrown off in the blink of an eye! 

I hate red tape like most people do - but I am law abiding! 

Caravans have wheels so they can move - simple!
           It's a fact it happened years ago before your time, do you think these Types buy their caravans, 4x4's, Static homes,  tools to do their rubbish block paving, guttering and fascia jobs  by legitimate means?, no they don't unless you have been on 'Big Brother',


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Re: Dale Farm
« Reply #35 on: September 20, 2011, 22:31:54 »
Mr Smith, please don't tar all  'travellers' with the same brush!
there's some very good companies around here that have 'traveller' backgrounds, and they even have ISO certification and get awarded council contracts.
your post was close to being racist (which I'm sure you are not) ;)
You couldn't make it up!


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Re: Dale Farm
« Reply #36 on: September 20, 2011, 23:51:49 »
Mr Smith, please don't tar all  'travellers' with the same brush!
there's some very good companies around here that have 'traveller' backgrounds, and they even have ISO certification and get awarded council contracts.
your post was close to being racist (which I'm sure you are not) ;)

ohhhhhhhh  someone wheeled out the old looney left 'racist' blunt instrument.

I reject this word as it has lost all meaning, and is used merely to supress debate on subjects the looney left would rather brush under the carpet.

Nu Labour has gone. Its not racist to talk about foriegners and your dislikes of some of there cultural habits. Unfortunately, to get rid of the PC racist laws Nu Labour saddled us with in an attempt to hide its deliberate policy of letting in 5 million immigrants, without asking us if thats what we wanted, we need to dump the bleeding heart lib dems as well.

Oh well, next election, the Lib dems will get obliterated then, as they have done after every coalition they ever entered into.
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Re: Dale Farm
« Reply #37 on: September 21, 2011, 00:42:46 »

no, not the 2 blondes, the "caravan" behind them

Wow, what a great looking caravan. Glad you pointed it out, i would have missed it.  ;D ;D ;D


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Re: Dale Farm
« Reply #38 on: September 21, 2011, 05:08:50 »
 :P :P :P


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Re: Dale Farm
« Reply #39 on: September 21, 2011, 05:53:35 »
they'd have gotten away with it too. until the council sent round a building Inspector who was gay


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