Author Topic: BBQ laws  (Read 17834 times)


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BBQ laws
« on: April 30, 2011, 13:32:17 »

anyone know of council laws/by-laws  regarding BBQ's in back gardens ?


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Re: BBQ laws
« Reply #1 on: April 30, 2011, 13:36:59 »
Copypasta from the web...

What's the legal position?
Many people assume that there are specific by-laws to prohibit bonfires. There aren't. If
used sensitively, the occasional bonfire or barbecue should not cause a major problem
and an outright ban would be unreasonable. It would be difficult to enforce and
occasionally a bonfire is the best practicable way to dispose of garden waste. However, if
a neighbour is causing a nuisance by burning rubbish the law is on your side. Under the
Environmental Protection Act 1990, a statutory nuisance includes 'smoke, fumes or
gasses emitted from premises so as to be prejudicial to health or a nuisance'. In practice,
to be considered a nuisance, a bonfire would have to be a regular problem and interfering
substantially with your well being, comfort or enjoyment of your property. Contact the
Environmental Protection Team for a copy of the NSCA fact sheet 'Pollution, Nuisance
and the Law' which explains the legal position in more detail.
Moved to Portugal - ain't going back!


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Re: BBQ laws
« Reply #2 on: April 30, 2011, 13:43:28 »

thanks I know it is all very unclear as far as I can tell just depends on how well the complainent is listened to at council I guess

First BBQ of the year and our neighbour is moaning already  "smokes blowing in our doors"  hubbys response  sorry I'll have a word with God see if he can change the direction for you!!!


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Re: BBQ laws
« Reply #3 on: April 30, 2011, 21:02:18 »
I think the placement of the BBQ can be of use. Our neighbour in the UK had his just the other side of  his fence right next to the house, he had put a roof over his deck,  his fence was 4 feet from our back door and windows, the smoke which couldn'ty go up went out the side and funnelled right into our house. To make matters worse he had no idea how to BBQ and put the food on the grill right after he lit it so we got an even stronger smell as the food was cooking at the same tiome as his colas were tryinh to get going.. we could nevr figure out how he could eat food that was starter fluid flavoured, but that is a nother story.

The point is, if he had taken the BBQ further from the houyse and in the open it would not have caused a problem, but for us we had to close every door and window or the smoke alarms went off. It was more than annoying as he did it almost every hot day in the summer so you can imaging how difficult it was for us.

The smell of a BBQ that is used when the colas are correctly lit does not need to be a bother if placed in a sensible place.
Is  your neighbour is getting heavy smoke, or just a smell

XX Jeannine
When God blesses you with a multitude of seeds double  the blessing by sharing your  seeds with other folks.


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Re: BBQ laws
« Reply #4 on: April 30, 2011, 21:15:25 »
My neighbour had a BBQ and we were invited.  It was very good, the food, saved me cooking, and we only have small gardens.  I let the youngsters get on with it, music, dancing etc. and went to bed after I had stuffed myself with their food.  Normally only once or twice a year and I got my washing in before, but we have lived next door for over 25 years, seen the children grow up, with the lovely music, and my lovely children with their lovely music. (joke).  If people are reasonable, and it is not every night, enjoy.


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Re: BBQ laws
« Reply #5 on: April 30, 2011, 21:36:34 »
My neighbour had a BBQ and we were invited.  It was very good, the food, saved me cooking, and we only have small gardens.  I let the youngsters get on with it, music, dancing etc. and went to bed after I had stuffed myself with their food.  Normally only once or twice a year and I got my washing in before, but we have lived next door for over 25 years, seen the children grow up, with the lovely music, and my lovely children with their lovely music. (joke).  If people are reasonable, and it is not every night, enjoy.

oh please come and move next door to us :)

Jeannine    when we built it, it was purposely (with that in mind) in centre of our garden, rather than nearer them was just excessively windy day today  and they making "a point" 
anyway since then me and o/h have got on amazing in garden  turf is nearly all down and small nature pond in place  so good end to day

salvation plot

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Re: BBQ laws
« Reply #6 on: April 30, 2011, 21:49:38 »
My god, what is this world coming to,love thy neighbour i say, perhaps your neighbours needs to get a life, i would,nt be very happy if my neighbour came around my house and moaned about my barbecue, infact i would say hang on, go and grab a very large drink and invite them in, our neighbours used to be the same until i told them to grow up and now they are as nice as pie. People are so miserable now, what is going on . enjoy your barbecue and dont let people make you think you are doing anything wrong when your not. ;D


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Re: BBQ laws
« Reply #7 on: May 01, 2011, 08:33:37 »
Agree, there are some right wingebags around, they have succeeded in getting bonfires banned on our site for most of the year. I dont think there are any specific laws about barbies or bonfires in private gardens, so I assume the council would have to go for an ASBO if you were doing it 24/7.

Having said that, my mother has a severe lung condition which means that she is incapacitated by coughing if she gets the slightest whiff of smoke. I would be more sensitive if a complaining neighbour had a chronic condition like this - but in most cases they don't, they are just whingers who shouldnt have bought a house near anyone else.


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Re: BBQ laws
« Reply #8 on: May 01, 2011, 20:49:48 »
You are entitled to cook food for personal consumption.

It is a basic need.

Bonfires are something else.

Only if you get a letter of notification of complaint do you need to get advice.

Frankly,  over the years,  I have had many a weekend evening out doors spoilt by neighbours starting up a smelly Bar B Q. Many a Sunday lie in spoilt by neighbours deciding to use a noisy lawn mower, play music or doing other noisy DIY jobs. Having kids visiting and playing ....then expecting me to return their ball every few minutes.

Fact is, neighbours can be a pain in the Rs.

There is not much we can do about it other than get rich and get a big house in the middle of nowhere all to ourselves.



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Re: BBQ laws
« Reply #9 on: May 01, 2011, 21:58:23 »
I love my neighbour........
but couldn't eat awhole one... barbied or not...  :-X


  • Hectare
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Re: BBQ laws
« Reply #11 on: May 02, 2011, 18:46:13 »

Your improvement' from growing up, is not  yet evident

Please try harder. 3/10


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