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Help needed with camera

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Charge battery, install memory card.

Set to auto

Job's a goodun :-)

Just remember to slightly press shutter down so that it can auto-focus and finally press all the way down to take the shot. My OH thinks that she just click willy nilly and I end up binning most of her shots  ???

She sounds like me.

The card and book arrived,,stupid book, supposed to be for dummies, well I got to line 2 and it used two terms for which there was no explanation so I lost my temper and heaved it.

So much for me learning from a book.

John retrieved it and is reading it, but dislikes it.

If they wroye the facts in simple language without all the ra ra ra and garbage the book would be 1/4 the size and  I wouldn't have to keep trying to ignore the crap.

Anyway, still hopeful I can get it going.

We are spending Easter with our best friends whose daughter is in the film industry and does a lot of photography  professionally as well, so she will help me.

XX Jeannine

The best thing to do to get used to any camera is to just use it! And play with it.

If you don't understand terms - then google them!

Photography is really simple, based on 3 different controls to get light into your camera.

how long the shutter is open for
the diameter of the hole that the light goes through
the sensitivity of the 'sensor' or film.

It's playing with these and the mix of them that is the fun part.


You have a great camera - forget the manual/book for now and stick it on one of the preset modes and snap away.  You wont break it by taking pics!!
In taking lots of pics you will end up learning loads and you can refer to the manual as and when you need to...

Even dummy guides have to speak the language of photography - I know its annoying (I work in IT and we have a completely seperate language!!) but once you have the basic ideas it will make a lot more sense.

You can also ask anything you like here of course!  :D


just think Jeannine, with a digital camera you can just keep taking pictures until you get it right (and you can tell right away) and it costs nothing. Took me months before i took a decent photo, and it cost £££££££££s in developing

once you get the right buttons and dials set, the main thing to remember is what the camera sees, isn't what you see


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