Produce > Under Glass

Different Greenhouse Plants

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Mrs Ava:
Ooo they are easy peasy but will take about 2 years to fruit and one plant equals one fruit.

Buy yourself a good pineapple with a really good top, plenty of leaves, no yellowing and fresh looking.  Avoid any limp pineapples.  Twist the top off and it comes out kinda like a cork leaving a pointed core.  I generally leave this on the side in the kitchen for a day or two.  Then peel of a couple of rows of the bottom leaves and you should be able to see some tiny white root.  You want to pull off enough leaves to give you a stalk that will hold itself in the ground, as I said, a couple of layers will probably do.  Then plant in compost in a pot and water well to start, then sparingly until they start to grow, which could be a couple of months.  Some pineapples will grow side shoots and the main plant will die, others the main plant will grow, guess it depends on variety and stress.  Once the plant is established and growing, and they can get huge and they are very sharp and spikey so they need plenty of house room, then water from above into the top of the plant creating a resevoir of water.  I do however water a little from below also, as they are growing in pots and not the ground.  Keep them warm, fed and watered, and within 2 years a little baby pineapple will show itself.  They take anywhere up to 3 months to mature and the scent, wow!  If you have the room and the patience, go for it!  I now have 7 pineapple plants on the go trying to time one or 2 a year really.....if only I could get bananas!

right - that's it. i'm doing it. Does it matter what time of year you start? should i wait for spring? or can i get one now?

just got back from shopping at morrisons, having bought a pineapple, anticipating your answer, EJ. so now i am excited, i am definately giving this a go!

Mrs Ava:
Don't think it matters when you do it Aqui, do mine whenever I buy one.  Good luck!  ;D

Later addition....just found some pics I took of my first pineapple in all its stages.

As you can see when it first develops it has purple flowers in all the 'scales', then it turns green and looks more like a pineapple.

Mrs Ava:
From green it soons colours up.


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