The Show > Pumpkin 'tastic

Carved Pumpkins

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Here are the Pinks family pumpkins!


Mr Pinks Phantom

Eldest Pinks Scaredy Cat

Youngest Pinks Ghost, and friends cat

Friends skull (bit dark sorry!)

All together!
We had huge amounts of fun doing them! They may stay out for a few days, I haven't the heart to consign them to the compost heap yet!

Wow DP, they are all fantastic. What a creative bunch your family is  :)

goodness, they look so intricate!! i would never be able to carve anything like that!

Mrs Ava:
Wowzers DP!  They are bloody amazing matey!  Ours are all sitting on the back step and will stay there until they start to droop!  Tis great fun doing it, dunno who gets more adults of the kids!  ;D

Brilliant.  Just how do you carve such intricate designs, Pinks family?


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