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--- Quote from: OllieC on December 06, 2009, 18:57:19 ---The Cannon G10. I have one, as do 4 of my friends. Bigger than most point & clicks but still small enough to always have with you. I think they're about £350 now... got mine for $400 in the US in May.

You can play with things as much or as little as you want (even manual focus...) and it is almost as good as an SLR in a lot of cases.

Google some reviews!

--- End quote ---

That's interesting. Planning on changing our SLR's in the new year. We used to buy 2nd hand bodies and get new lenses (Cannon). It will be a toughie cos I love B&W film and those cameras have been round the world a few times.

Black & White, you say? I love the "accent colour" function... B&W plus choose what to keep...

oooo that looks fun! And the colour change funtion looks good as well  ;)

i have nikon D40 and Nikon D70s and they are both excellent cameras and would probably suit your needs

Recently changed from Fuji to Canon SX20 IS and getting lots of fun from it, you can do P-n-S or complicated stuff also you can customize it , my eyes need help but evf best I've looked at,  some of my results


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