Allotment Stuff > The Basics

Well rotted manure

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I dug my bean trench 2 weeks ago and it's now full of leek leaves, some dodgy looking endive and the clearance from the pumpkin patch. What do I do now - wait for it to rot or cover it with soil now ?

Gosh Emma Jane/Doris and Belly
What do you mean digging a trench now for your BEANS? Do you mean RUNNER beans? What are you putting in it apart from leek leaves- praps we should have a topical tips site - what we should be doing THIS WEEK before it rains 'cos I was going to leave mine until I was just about to plant them out.
This means I have to plan where they are going to go NOW and I will have changed my mind a squillion times by then.
Emma Jane I'm so glad the manure has worked its magic on your soil. Sounds like your veggies will have a feast. Did you put it on as soon as the plot was empty. It will hopefully have had the same effect when I come back from bonny Scotland next week ( with many bags of seaweed).  So dry -hardly any worms at all. Quite scary.
Last time I did spuds - all I put into the trench was grass  cuttings at the time of planting. That was a long time ago but it worked ok - different kind of soil though. That was limestone not dusty sand,

Ciderself, I am filling mine with all my green  waste from my kitchen, shredded newspaper and a few old grass mowings. dig a trench where your beans are going to go, then fill it with stuff you would normally put in your compost, as you fill put the soil back on top, it will work it's magic over the winter and your beans will love you for it!! I don't move my beans from year to year, :o so don't have the problem of where to put them!! :)
Look out for your back tho, the soil is like concrete!! :-[
Dotty P.

Will do Doris
Thanks for the tip. Might get the old man to give us a hand with that one. He's grown very fond of his mattock - clears the ground better than my blunt old spade.

So Doris - you put the soil back once it's full - you don't have to wait for it to rot down first ?


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