Allotment Stuff > The Basics


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- resurrecting the August theme -

does anyone think that, at my age, I could have done this in 25min with fork or spade?

Sorry you can't see the 4.5hp Wolseley Major at the far end. - Tim

Mrs Ava:
Looks good Tim, and no way could you have done that in just 25 minutes, not unless you have been on some 'special' tablets!  ;D  
There are a couple of chaps on our site that use rotovators, but they have been running their plots for years, so all of the horrid perrenial weeds are history.  I wouldn't want to do that on mine at the moment as I am still digging out couch grass roots, some are 3 foot long!  :o  Think how many cuttings a rotovator would make out of that!
oooooooo...and it looks like you have great soil!  I am thinking of making cobble paths and a dry stone wall around mine with all the stones I turn up!

they do say that you can knock couch by never letting it get to more than 4". Certainly, our previously couchy plot has succumbed to the machine.

Whatever - here's an example of dig and rotovate! - Tim

OK - I've reinstated the photo!

My! There ain`t `alf some wobbly footprints in the second one tim.

Yo Tim

Looking at your house in the background... I noticed that there are no windows... aNy chance of getting sum put in so I can have a nosey inside? ::)

At your age?  what age is that Tim?

I think what you did in 25mins is brilliant at any age.... nice tilth...


oZzY %)


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