Allotment Stuff > The Basics

Pumpkin and Squash

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Hi there,
Can anyone suggest the best pumkin or Squash to grow for favour ,what size bed do i need and whats the ideal preparation before planting ?. I'm just starting my first allotment and not sure whats best.
hope you can help



I have only grown the one type of squash -'Green Bush' marrow and I was very pleased with it. With marrows/courgetttes (I'm not sure about other types of squash), there are 2 main types- bush & trailing. With bush, all the fruits grow out from the centre where you planted the seed; with trailing varieties..well, it grows like a vine through your plot!

As for planting, most people start them inside or in the greenhouse and plant out when all risk of frost has gone. They like to be planted on a mound of compost of manure and given plenty to drink in dry periods- don't allow them to dry out. You may also need to help pollination by picking off a male flower and placing inside a female flower - the HDRA do a factsheet on how to do this, or do a google search.
Hope this is of some help.

For flavour I like "Butternut" squash-and they cost a fortune to buy.

For hollowing out at this time of the year-Pumpkin `Connecticut Field`


Hi Stephan.I 've got my surprise! Please tell me what exactly to do with it!! I may be a vegetarian but i'm a bit of a boring one!!

Thanks by the way.My boss thought it was quite funny.Thinks i chat up men with strange looking vegetables all the time!!!!l

And what's wrong with that Maggie ;D


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