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Hyacinth:! I've not used it, but you've brought back a Blast from the Past for me..

Must have been late 50s/v.early 60s? and a friend of my parents always used to buy bottles of olive oil/vinegar mix when they went to Spain.....bought it freshly mixed from the Chemist, too...

WOW! I've not remembered that for years 8)

I always wondered if there is not enough of the old ways around nowadays.
The young are taught these things but never heed them until something goes wrong.
If more people listened to what was taught them instead of trying to sue each other then this world maybe a better place.

We always use citrus and olive oil when we go away. Gives you a lovely tan. Tony cleans the rabbits cages with vinegar and I clean jewellery. We also use it to clean the windows. Remember my aunt puttin it on her to sunbathe. I would have thought that being acidic it would burn the skin in the sunlight.


   Used to use olive oil and vinegar as a tanning lotion as a teeny 50/60 's ,

    -- not sure with the intense sun rays we have now if it's a good idea ?

   Had to buy the olive oil from a chemist in those days,  in a teeny bottle  --

   wonder what the continentals would have made of that !!    All before air

   travel was available to the masses.

   Always give my car windscreen a wash in vinegar before an M O T ,

   was fed up with being failed on faulty wipers  ---   was only grease that made them squeek !!

    floss xxx

I would never use oils of any sort, due to having fair skin.
In today's climate there is no need for the oils. You are better off protecting than trying to tan. I would not recommend any form of tanning as the risk of skin cancer is to high.
If like me you work outside then it is best to cover or protect as best you can.


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