Produce > Pests & Diseases

parsnip worry


Mrs Ava:
A couple of my parsnips have yellow flecks on their foliage.  Something else to worry about?

Every year mine seem to get what looks like rust on their leaves.It doesn't seem to affect the snips!
(this year I wandered around the site and noticed most everyones has the same!)
I wouldn't worry about it too much EJ, the frost will soon be removing those leaves for you anyway! ;D

It could be Parsnip Yellow Fleck Virus. Obviously a virus that affects the quality of the crop and can also infect carrots. Infection is spread by aphids in early summer I believe.

Parsnip Mosaic Virus also appears in tandem.

No control measures that I am aware off once the plant is infected.

If it is this you might see stunted root growth with the root tips turning black and dying. Eating quality can also be affected throughout the whole root.

Hope I am not the bearer of bad news!!!


Mrs Ava:
Oh Nuts!  I don't think it is rust, after my rust garlics this is entirely different......... and just when I thought I was winning the lurgey battle on the plot!  Definately quite bright yellow flecks on just a couple of the snips, but all over their foliage.  I shall dig the affected ones up on Friday and we can munch them, if they are any good, over the weekend. Thanks chaps...I shall try not to weep tooooooooo hard!  :'(

At least you got some to worry about. By the way, Parsnips improve in flavour after freezing, so blanch them and put in the freezer.


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