Allotment Stuff > The Basics

Planning permission -Sheds

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Exactly the same problem now on new allotments on the edge of Basingstoke. The borough council says planning permission is needed and the Parish council needs help in proving with allotment holders thats it doesnt need permission. .. and before anyone says its a joke it isn't and its full planning permission not just permission from the council. Can anyone please help with pointing us to the right legistalion to help us argue.

Existing sheds on our site can stay but must fall into new rules as and when they are to be replaced.  A sketch of the plot  showing dimensions and intended location of any newly intended shed or greenhouse must be submitted as a written request to the town council prior to being built.  Maximum shed size for a full plot is 8x6ft,  1/2 plot is 4x6ft.  Maximum sized greenhouses for both are 6x8ft.  As yet nobody has been refused. 

These rules were brought in due to some large structures being erected and being sited anywhere, blocking light from neighbouring plots.  Now they can only be built at the ends of each plot, not down the sides.  So far everybody is abiding by the new rules.  Though no doubt there will be arguments when pigeon lofts need to be rebuilt to current specification.  Some that have been up for years are 30-40ft in length blocking much of neighbouring plots light!  They can stay for now, but when they need replacing.......

We have to get permsision for sheds/gh/polytunnel from the council but it is a formality, and indeed a form letter, I even told them how big the PT is going to be.... I'm putting it on my northern boundary where my neighbour has a shed anyway (I'd have called that cheeky if we hadn't discussed it beforehand and I'd tolkd them I wouldn't mind , as it is it will provide my PT with some shelter in casne of unusual northerly winds....

I thought other than that sort of restriction being put into a tenancy from the start then on agricultural land (which allotments fall into) then agricultural buildings (those that are directly used for agriculture adn the storage of produce and equipment) don't need PP, though if they go over a certain size or have mains power/water then they need to be constructed to building regulations etc....


The NSALG have looked at this. This is from july last year

--- Quote ---The Chairman and the National Secretary, NSALG have argued for some 20 years that planning permission for sheds, greenhouses and poly-tunnels on allotment sites is NOT required.
The Legal Consultant has endorsed this argument, citing the High Court Case
[1980] Property & Compensation Reports, 229, High Court (Queen’s Bench)
as authority
NSALG sought Counsel’s Opinion on this issue, and is delighted to say that Counsel has confirmed the opinion of the Secretary and Chairman; and confirmed the opinion of the Legal Consultant that the Crowborough case is authority for the premiss:

Planning Permission is NOT required for sheds, and/or greenhouses on an allotment plot!  Please note: a shed or greenhouse over the standard size of 8 x 6 (available from most garden and DIY centres) that require foundations or are connected to services, might be construed as a permanent structure.

--- End quote ---

and this is an update

--- Quote ---It will be remembered that Issue 1/2010 of Allotment & Leisure Gardener had an article which commenced examination of the controversy as to whether Planning Permission is required for sheds, greenhouses and polytunnels on an allotment plot.
Following advice from NSALG to Parish Councils in Hertfordshire, Sussex and South Wales, the related District Councils have revoked the insistence that such Planning Permission is required.
The foregoing confirms the previously published opinion of NSALG (15 July 2009) that Planning Permission is not required for sheds, greenhouses and poly-tunnels.

--- End quote ---
You can contact them, theyre helpful.

Help!.. I am confused. We  are a community group and have been given use of a piece of land in sheffield for which we want to create a community allotment. the area is 1 acre. We have been told by sheffield planning department that we will need to apply for planning permission to erect some sheds and poly tunnels. I am  confused by all the infomation I am getting. some say i do some say i don't.
Before I have a go at the planning office I need to know if i am right or wrong. I dont want to get the planning officers back up before I start.
We will also need to terrace the site as it slopes so we want to use rock filled gabions to create 3 terraced allotment areas with pathways for a small tractor and easy access for disabled users.

Help.. thanks


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