Produce > Pests & Diseases

Greenfly aphids


Are greenfly and aphids the same thing? I think they are. What I have on my pepper plant now are lots of tiny little green things that look like aphids. I have read that you can use soapy water as a method of getting rid of them. I washed my pepper plant yesterday with a weak solution but today there seem to be just as many if not more on the plant. How soapy should I make the solution? I'm using the Ecover dishwashing liquid but don't want to make it too strong incase I kill the plant along with the aphids. Also how does the soapy water work, does it kill the aphids or simply wash them off. I started squishing them this morning but have given up, there are just so many of them.

And to top it all, when I was busy squishing I discovered an earwig hanging onto one of the stems.  :'(

Yes - earwigs love peppers - especially where they are crowded together.

Aphids? Yes - same thing. But it means that you haven't been doing your homework if you have a large infestation now. If you check daily, you can often keep things under control. Keep going with finger & thumb. That may still be the best solution.

Detergent is not designed as a pesticide, however much it may be used. Soft soap is an older solution. You can buy organic 'fatty acids'. It 'bungs them up'. But you must hit every beastie -  soap is not systemic. = Tim

Thanks Tim. I don't want to go out and buy anything as it's only the one plant that I have and I imagine it won't be long before it finishes fruiting. I think I'll just keep on with the squishing as you suggest. I did manage to get a lot this morning but when you look again there is always one (or more!) that you miss. The plant was outside all summer with no sign of aphid but I brought it inside my conservatory last week to try and get some more heat and light and now these beasties have appeared.

The ones you miss won't do much harm in the time left. = Tim


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