Author Topic: Purse stolen  (Read 6940 times)


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Purse stolen
« on: November 20, 2008, 17:36:16 »
Took £100 out of the bank to go to the sales for Xmas presents, 20% off in Marks & Spencer today.  Went to Smiths to buy book (paid by cash) and then looked at birthday cards, then went to pay my purse had been stolen.  Was too busy looking at cards to notice, shop called Security and the Police and had to report it, but went home with no birthday cards and no money and no purse.  Luckily no credit cards taken, have to remember if there were any personal details in purse.  Really, really p...sed off. It gave me a bit of a shock.  Police said I might get my purse back, as they take the money out and throw the purse away.  Have photos of grandchildren in there and son's business card with phone numbers etc.  Had a few receipts and stamps, can't think of anything else.  Xmas is cancelled this year.  Only joking.  That will teach me to get over excited and try and save 20% off.


  • Hectare
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Re: Purse stolen
« Reply #1 on: November 20, 2008, 17:44:28 »
Bad luck.

Rotten B*******S.

Same happened to my mum a few years ago.


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Re: Purse stolen
« Reply #2 on: November 20, 2008, 17:54:59 »
such bad luck, barlotti..they're really sick , hope you get your photos back  :-\


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Re: Purse stolen
« Reply #3 on: November 20, 2008, 17:59:15 »

   Blotto, I'm so sorry to here this  --  I do hope you get your purse back, at least you
   would have your precious things.

   You are safe and that is the main thing,  

   floss xxx

Hertfordshire,   south east England


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Re: Purse stolen
« Reply #4 on: November 20, 2008, 18:11:27 »
i'm so sorry, are you ok?
take it easy ok, these things  can shake you up later on as well



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Re: Purse stolen
« Reply #5 on: November 20, 2008, 18:14:50 »
Doesn't it make you mad  >:(. I hope the thief has a really cr*ppy Christmas Borlotti.
Smile, it confuses people.


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Re: Purse stolen
« Reply #6 on: November 20, 2008, 18:52:47 »
I usually have my purse in my handbag which I sling over my shoulder. I got a lecture from my sister every time we went out. Although 86 she is extremely careful, puts her purse in an inside pocket of her coat. I suppose we are inclined to think it will never happen to us.
Really sorry to hear about the theft of your purse Borlotti. Pity the bu****s don't go to work like decent people. 


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Re: Purse stolen
« Reply #7 on: November 20, 2008, 18:55:01 »
I have used something similar to this for years, never lost it or had it stolen, though some foolish person tried to take it once.

Bad luck Borlotti, perhaps the person will get drunk on the money and fall under a bus.


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Re: Purse stolen
« Reply #8 on: November 20, 2008, 19:13:13 »
Sorry to hear this Borlotti was you in Enfield Town.  :'(


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Re: Purse stolen
« Reply #9 on: November 20, 2008, 19:21:24 »
Oh what a rotten thing to happen!  Sorry to hear that, Borlotti :(  I know you won't get back your money but I hope you get back your personal items.  Grrrrr.

I was shopping in M&S a couple of weeks ago and a little oap was being served infront of me and she couldn't find her purse.  It made me feel really sad.  The staff in M&S were not very helpful which made me feel a little mad!  She told them she'd just come up on the bus and this was the first shop she'd been in and all they kept asking was, "which shops have you been in already?" I could feel the words bubbling up behind my lips, LOL!  They just told her to go back to the bus station office and ask there.  After I was served, I felt really sad and tried to find her - which I did after about ten minutes, wandering around the bus station office, she was all flustered.  All they'd done is give her a business type card with the lost property office number on for the next day!  I asked her if she was ok and she said no, that all her pension was in there, her bus pass etc.  So I let her use my mobile phone to ring them and then gave her enough money to get home so she could ring her family.  She tried to take my details but I said no but really I wish I had just to hear if everything worked out ok. 

I'm with ACE on this one.  Hopefully this person will be in A&E tonight having pieces of Goodyear tyres removed from his a*se!

Good luck, Borlotti.

« Last Edit: November 20, 2008, 19:23:35 by SamLouise »


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Re: Purse stolen
« Reply #10 on: November 20, 2008, 19:26:59 »
You's the girl Sam.  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D :-*


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Re: Purse stolen
« Reply #11 on: November 20, 2008, 20:27:27 »
I'm really sorry to hear that.

I remember my purse being stolen. It was quite a while ago now. There wasn't alot of money in it, but the thing I was most upset about was photo's being taken which were in the purse.

It's only a couple of months ago when my 10 year old daughter found a purse on the bus. We were sitting seperately as the bus was so full, and as we were getting off she handed a purse to me which she had found. I told her to hand it to the driver, which she did, but didn't even get any thanks off him for handing it in. I'd love to know if the purse was reunited with it's owner. I'm afraid in this day and age I do wonder as to the honesty of some people, and wonder if it was handed in at the depot. Such a sad thing when you think things like that, but not everyone is honest these days.

I think purses are a really personal item and it does shake you up when things like this happen. I hope the rotten thieves get what's coming to them.



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Re: Purse stolen
« Reply #12 on: November 20, 2008, 20:50:40 »
So sorry this has happened it is a bit of a shocker as most of us always thinks this happens to other people.

My handbag was stolen a few years ago  which was a bit traumatic. But a boy found it - shredded and money removed but still with the photos and non saleable things - he had handed it in to the police station with his mum. I went round to his house to say thank you. It was good to be able to say thanks to someone who had taken time and trouble to go to the police station - I hope he found this encouraging - but it also restored my faith a bit in the human race.


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Re: Purse stolen
« Reply #13 on: November 20, 2008, 21:36:55 »
It's the shock, which is almost worse than having your money stolen.
My purse was stolen from my office once (in my coat on back of door, inside a "secure" university building).  The thieves were total opportunists, posing as students.  They raided every office in one day.

I have also had my house burgled (2 different houses).  It is horrible.

I am now ultra-cautious.  Only today I had a go at Hubby because he left me in the house alone with the door unlocked and the garage door wide open.  Muppet.


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Re: Purse stolen
« Reply #14 on: November 20, 2008, 22:09:18 »
Poor you, Borlotti, it really shakes you up.  It's happened to me twice, once was quite violent, the other I didn't know was happening at the time, tho I realised afterwards.

Many years ago my purse fell out of my pocket into the gutter when I was riding my bike home, and I didn't realise till I got home.  I immediately phoned the police station and tey told me to come down, which I did.  Two young lads must have picked it up within minutes of my dropping it and handed it in.  I was so chuffed and the police lady gave me the address of the lads.  I went round and knocked on the door and their mum was moved to tears - she didn't know anything about it and was so proud of them.  I gave the lads a fiver each (there was nearly £100 in the purse).

Whoever took your purse will get their come-uppance sometime.  >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(
The Tuscan Beaneater


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Re: Purse stolen
« Reply #15 on: November 20, 2008, 23:03:25 »
Sorry to hear you were robbed Borlotti.  Sounds as though you could have been watched and then followed after taking the money out.  Better to have paid by credit or debit card than running the risk of having cash stolen.

I very rarely have more than £10 on me and pay for everything by credit card, paying the whole balance off by standing order at the end of the month. 

I have not carried a lot of cash with me since I was Mickey Finned and robbed on a train from Weymouth in the 1960's.  Fortunately, it was at the end of my holiday so I was down to a couple of pounds in my purse.  It was to purchase my train fare from London to Kent.  The only time I have significant cash on me now is when my son gives me his keep and then its straight down to the Post Office to pay it in at the first opportunity.

Ross Kemp on gangs opened our eyes as to how easy it was for thieves to steal purses and wallets.  We watched the programme just prior to our last trip to France and we were very wary about some of the people in the Supermarkets out there.  Maybe we were being paranoid but it was very strange because my husband and I go our separate ways wandering around different isles, yet we both felt that there were certain people who were trying to get too close for comfort.  It happened twice in France in two different supermarkets!  Quite frightening. 


  • Hectare
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Re: Purse stolen
« Reply #16 on: November 20, 2008, 23:38:39 »
I am so sorry Borlotti, just when you were out for a bit of christmas shopping too  :(

I had my purse nicked once , I came out of a shop, it was pouring with torrential rain, a  guy bumped slap bang into me out of nowhere, I thought how rude as he did not even apologise. A few seconds later I reached for my purse and of course it was gone~lifted from my pocket and i didnt even realise!

Hope your ok, huge hugs x x


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Re: Purse stolen
« Reply #17 on: November 21, 2008, 00:26:19 »
So sorry to hear it. Really dents your trust in people, doesn't it? I've had my pocket picked twice, been mugged for my mobile in the street, and had my bag snatched on a canal towpath. It certainly has made me more cautious - I still use my mobile in the street (what's it for, otherwise?) but if any likely-looking youngsters come too near (specially on bikes) I put it straight in my pocket, or hold it in my sleeve, or just move away from them.
I wouldn't have a purse in an outside pocket or open bag, having learned the hard way (I have lectured my aunt on putting her purse in her shoulder bag where it can easily be 'dipped'). I always use a rucksack. Not to everyone's taste, of course.

What I always want to tell everybody, is COPY ALL YOUR PHOTOS! They can be so easily scanned these days and kept on disc for safety - if you have any really precious photos - old family pics, etc - get a friend with a scanner to copy them all for you (in high resolution) or go into a print/photographic shop and get it done. It's too sad to lose them if your purse gets nicked, or your house burgled. (My gran had some really old family pics - they got burgled, as they were in silver frames).

But thank goodness for all those kind people who bother to help. My husband dropped his phone in Charing Cross Station, a while back; some kind stranger looked at the 'recently dialled numbers', found my number there, called me, and posted the phone back to us. :)


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Re: Purse stolen
« Reply #18 on: November 21, 2008, 07:35:51 »
Last Xmas a young lad in front of me in Woollies dropped a wad of cash out of his back pocket ... must have been over £100 there.
I didn't even hesitate to tap him on the shoulder and hand it back.  He wasn't even grateful though.  I didn't want a reward, but a thank you would have been nice.  :(

I don't use cashpoints at all, ever.  I keep a float of about £30 in my purse for small items, and pay for everything else on plastic.  If I need more cash, I get free cashback at the supermarket.


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Re: Purse stolen
« Reply #19 on: November 21, 2008, 09:39:19 »
cornykev.  Yes it was W H Smiths in Enfield Town.  Should have been more careful as Pearsons and Marks & Spencer had 20% off for one day only so were loads of people about.  Paid cash for the book downstairs so know I had the purse then and then walked upstairs, choose two birthday cards, was talking to the assistant about '3 for 2' offer on Xmas cards and she didn't notice anything suspicious.  Queue was quite long and I was looking around at various things whilst queuing, the only thing I remember is I thought I was in front of one lady but she seemed to push in front of me when I wasn't looking but I let it go. It might have been nothing but who knows.  Well at least I know what I want for Christmas, a new purse.  Yesterday saw a lady in tears in the toilet near Waitrose as she had just bought clothes from Principles and left the bag in the toilet, of course when she came back it had gone.  No wonder some people have got loads of money to spend as they go round nicking it.  I took the cash out of the bank the day before so they couldn't have followed me.  I was going to buy presents in Marks but was told it was 20% off the next day so didn't buy anything.  Wish I had paid full price as it would have been cheaper in the long run.  Waiting for the bus on the way, still had my bus pass, saw a lady with 3 children and two of them quite spontaneously came up put their arms round me and cuddled me.  The little boy called goodbye to me when I got off the bus, they really cheered me up and made me smile.  I have never had that happen before, because they knew I was upset.


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