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hawthorne cuttings/idenification

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I want to plant some hawthorn bushes in my mum's garden next year (2005) so was intending to sneakily (slap wrist) take some hardwood cuttings from roadside hedges this winter. However, now I can't work out what's hawthorne and what's not. Anyone have any ideas, or could send me some cuttings even (I'll pay postage)?


Sorry did not read this earlier. Sadly Hawthorn does not come from cuttings, If you want plants you would have to sow some berries about now.

You learn something new every day do they have suckers comming up Eric? and dont they have thorns on them hence hawthorn.

OKay, thanks, I guess I'll scratch that idea.

Bare rooted Hawthorn plants can be bought for about 80p a plant Look in Garden News or Gardeners World Mag  adverts.
Sdaly they do not produce suckers either, Teresa. And yes they do have thorns hence thorn and red fruit, haws hence hawthorn and before the weather went wonky they flowered in May hence May blossom. And if you have ever cut a hawthorn hedge you would give it one or two other names also.


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