Produce > Edible Plants

lett-uce see

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Mrs Ava:
ttthhhrrrrr (thats me blowing a raspberry!)  hehehe.  I don't care I don't.  It is just the greatest feeling of all to see those little blighters coming up to greet me.  Like a kid in a toy shop.  The neighbours think I am totally mad - I went into the greenhouse, and have my usual chat with all that is growing, then I saw my new babies and am full of glee and congratulate them and welcome them to my home!  Mad me thinks!  What is even more of a worry is, I welcome ever newcomer in the greenhouse.   :-/

Me sowing another month to go.
But the urge is their so got some Yang Yang and Batflower seeds to sow to curb the desperation I feel.
Talking to plants hell thats normal its when your neighbroughs catch you thats when you feel a tw*t. hee hee

I am so glad it's not just me that's mad. I get so excited when things start growing I start talking to them too - 'oh look, you're waking up again' I say to my perennials in spring. I am still amazed when seeds actually germinate!

(Wrong forum for this but) I noticed my tulips are actually poking up through the soil now. Was well excited about that (especially as I didn't plant them until last month!)

I haven't sown anything yet. I was planning on doing the (again wrong forum) sweet peas and lobelia on wednesday, but I'd such a busy horsey day I was too knackered to go outside again. I WILL do them tomorrow though. And I've got to get the garlic in, when I work out where to put it. Which reminds me of another question I needed to ask....

Shoosh Aqui, you're rambling again.

Thought it was mandatory to talk to plants!  'Specially to thank them for being so gorgeous, whatever they are!  ??? ??? ???

Mrs Ava:
Aquiligia, my tulips are through at last.  I think our garden must be super cold, our crocus are only just breaking into flower alongside a few snowdrops!  The daffs are showing yellow also, so everything is going to come at the same time, but who cares.  Roll on Sunday, me down the greenhouse to have another little sowing sesh!  

p.s.  kohl rabi through today!  HOORAH!


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