Allotment Stuff > The Basics

onion sets - heat or no heat?

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...but Tim, I feel compelled to answer!  If they had rooted I would need to keep replanting the beggars, would I!?   ;)

I was working on the assumption that, if rooted, they couldn't easily be pulled out?? = Tim

Mrs Ava:
I planted my shallot sets in cells last year (no lottie then, just veggie patch in garden).  I just used regular compost and they stayed outside, sheltered, but no special care.  I did it that way because my veggie patch was absolutely waterlogged until about April!  They grew splendidly and produced lots of bunches.  The garlic which I had already put in didn't seem to mind swimming for a couple of months.  

No heat is needed,either the cold frame or a cold(frost free)greenhouse will be fine. If they are started off in the greenhouse then a couple of weks in a cold frame before they are planted out would be a good idea.


Thanks all - anticipating gallons of french onion soup .....


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