Allotment Stuff > The Basics

storing produce

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Has anyone ever stored apples successfully ?
My sister has an apple and a pear tree in her garden.
I tried storing the apples last year, by wrapping in newspaper taking care that they did not touch. Then stored them in garden shed - only to find that they all began to rot  ???.  Advice please anyone !?!

At my local fruit wholesaler, they were selling boxes of tomatoes from the canaries at 99p per box!!  Needless to say, the thrifty cook in me bought a box and I made
several batches of 'fresh tomato sauce' from one of my many cookbooks.
Its to die for, so I shall put it on recipe forum for any interested parties.

I luv to cook  :D( and eat !!)  :P


apples are a bit of a pain to store- because each one should be wrapped in newspaper as you are doing, but you have to check each apple quite frequently, as one rotting apple will quickly make the others rot. make sure the atmosphere isn't too humid.

did a quick google, try these:

thanks for that Ross, in hindsight, I may have stored fallen apples which were probably going to bruise and spoil the rest. :-[  Never mind,  now I know better !!


It also depends on the apple variety. Some like Cox types will keep for longer than say Sunset. Bramleys will keep even longer. We do not wrap our apples. They are stored in apple boxes with plastic inserts which keep the fruit apart. They are kept in a dark, frost free shed. Store only unblemished fruit and if possible pick slightly under ripe. Watch out for mice and rats who love the fruit. Our Cox type are just coming to an end now (boo hoo), but the Bramleys are still going strong. You stillneed to ckeck for any rotters as they quickly infect the others.

Indeed - our Bramleys in the cellar last through till May. bUt I find that things like Sunset, which are supposed to be at treir best in November, have long gone.

As to 'windfalls' - equally, nothing with even a tiny abrasion, or bug hole in it. = Tim


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