Allotment Stuff > The Basics

Manure question

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So, I've got this lovely big heap of fresh strawy manure in the corner of the plot to rot down, and add to compost heap as it grows etc.  Its been there about a week - I wandered in yesterday and did a bit of turning it about - its gone all grey in the middle and smells of gone off mushrooms - what's that all about then?  I am guessing its the heat doing something - but it is good or bad, and should I do something about it??  Thanks  Ceri

Don't panic - Ceri!
It sounds like the heat has set the mycelium of the fungi growing -  you may find the fruiting bodies of the fungi appearing in the fullness of time.  My heap of stable manure has actual fungi growing on it just now - and most unattractive they are too!   I just pick these bits out and add them to the compost heap

I believe this to be part of Mother Natures Processes for breaking down the manure. Be interesting to see if others have any more info!

AC x  

- chuck some mushroom spawn into it?? = Tim

Mrs Ava:
Ava tracked down a local source of 2 year old cattle manure today, however, hard as nails!  One other lottie holder at our lottie association got a truck load and chucked it onto his plot at the start of winter and hoped with weather would break it down, but it hasn't.  Seems such a waste it just sitting there, to be taken for free, but if it is so hard, I figure is is kinda unusable  ??? :-/ ???

Allotment Chick has got it right.

But the question of manure is a bit of a sore point with my back at the moment :)



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