Author Topic: Time on the plot...  (Read 673 times)

Si D

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Time on the plot...
« on: January 21, 2008, 14:54:35 »
Why is it that the vandals spend more time on my plot at the moment than I do?  >:(

Not that they've damaged anything of mine because I don't leave anything there of value, they just move things around for some reason - watering cans, pots, etc.  Tis like the monkeys at the safari park - everything they see they have to pick up, give it a squeeze, give it a shake and throw it somewhere.

No, I'm just annoyed because I did my back in two and a bit weeks ago and haven't finished digging over or incorporating muck yet and so am frightened that I won't be ready to plant everything come March  :(  I was late starting last year and so didn't get a full harvest (no spuds, etc) so this year I was hoping to get everything shipshape and ready to go by the end of Jan.

Ho hum, woe is me.
Moan over.


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Re: Time on the plot...
« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2008, 17:30:41 »
never mind, Si D, hope your back gets better soon..not everything has to be planted in can go on sowing things for a few months, even brassicas,
just get better and try not to do your back for the kids, hopefully they'll leave your plot alone once the weather gets better and you're there more  :)


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