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Competition Comments

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Should do the trick, Lish.

Another thought. (Obviously got my thinking head on this a.m.!)

I'm wondering if the title 'post and vote' has discouraged some folk - who don't wish to post - from voting.

Maybe 'post or vote' would make it easier/clearer?

I like the comments about the entries and what grabs your eye is a purely personal choice.  Someone else's comments on their choice of vote wouldn't sway me.

KK, how about pinning the current comps at the top of the comp board so they are easier to spot?  It's all a bit of jumble in there isn't it?  What with all the diff competition announcements, closures etc.  Pinning the vote threads at the top each time would be far easier?

I love it...positive sensible feed-back. Many thanks. My single brain does go into slow-motion at times.
 I'll look in to everything that's been suggested and work out the best way to present and modify it.
 The 'jumble' is due to 'The last post always being promoted to No1 position' syndrom.
 Making the various current 'postings'..'votes'..'results'..a sticky might work....brain churning again, give me a little while to figure out 'consequences'.
Thanks, Ken.

KK, I've sent two entries for the next competition but true to my style, I didn't read your how to submit instructions first  :-[  I sent an email from my SB yahoo email and just put Comp Entries in the title and sent both entries in one go, is that ok? 

BTW, although I may have grumbled about a couple of things since you took over the comp, please don't misunderstand that as my being ungrateful at all of your hard work and effort.  I think you're doing a top job  :)


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