Photo Gallery > Photo Talk

Competition Comments

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As I said....
--- Quote from: kenkew on October 15, 2007, 21:23:21 ---As has been pointed out, digital software is part of digital photography! That's a fact, plus there is a marked difference between using software to 'develop' photographs and using high-end enhancement programmes to 'doctor' them.
--- End quote ---

...Which basically means, how far people take the 'developing' has to be left for them to decide what's fair. As L'One pointed out, the competition should first of all be a fun thing which should allow all levels to compete equally. And let's not forget, many past winners of the contest have done nothing more than point and shoot with a pocket digi-cam and up-load the result into 'My Pictures'.

 First I need to get the hang of running this newly extended contest, then, if there is enough interest, we can have a look at adding to it a dedicated 'Effects' section to see just what the A4A 'Techno's' are capable of! Now that should be fun!

Sounds great Kenkew, I love the idea of everyone being able to play at different levels. Even if the 'Effects' section doesnt run to competition  ( and I think it will, providing its not too much work for you) it will fab for us novices to look through.

I have nothing but admiration for anyone with creative knowledge and skill ;) And love looking at photos, enhanced or not.

Sorry about all the 'editing' mentioned in the posts, It's just that the heading 'New layout' will become outdated. The heading 'Comp Comments' is more fitting. There is an easier way to change it but I'm not familier with it yet.

Hmmmm. I wish you'd allowed a bit more debate before locking the thread I started.  My comments were not about the competition.  :(

G x

You're right, Georgie, sorry. Just another minor hic-cup. Back where we were.
Thanks for that.


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