Produce > Drink ....

Hangover cure

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 ;D ;D who me never touch the stuff ::) sending a bucket ur way mudz  ;)
well using a straw dont count does it :-*

All the talk of sloe gin, strawberry vodka on the other thread reminded me of hangovers gonebye and my standard course of avoidance!  Lots of coffee before going to bed, carton of fresh orange and packet of fudge (or Scottish Tablet) on bedside table to be sipped/eaten during night or first thing in morning  :o

Not strange really when I think of it as I was raising bloodsugar level and taking vitamin C

Mrs Ava:
Always used to be Robinsons Orange Barley, but it had to be the one in the glass bottle.  They don't do that anymore....... :'(  Got me through 2 pregnancies and many hangovers (not whilst pregnant of course  :o)

How about ? = Tim

Yellow Petals:
If you drink at least 1 pint of water before going to bed, you will be hangover free come the morning.  It's only the brain becoming dehydrated, so give it a good watering before you start your zzzzz's, LOL!  ;D



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