Produce > Edible Plants

carrot fly

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How big are carrot flies? (ie - what's the smallest gap one could get through?)

I seem to remember that they are fairly low flying - but how low? You see I was thinking if I grow some carrots in pots and put them high enough the carrot fly won't reach them, they won't need any more protection???

Mrs Ava:
I think they are teeny tiny - that is a scientific term you know.  And that whole flying thing is a bit wishy washy (more science talk) as they are so tiny, they get blown about on the breeze, kinda like spiders do, so can get up quite high.  Have to say, I have grown carrots okay in my garden, in pots and on the old family lottie and never had carrot fly probs.  I think if you don't disturb them too much, leave thinning and stuff til the end of the day, they are less likely to be a problem.

Yours, scientific wonder!  ;D

seem to remember if you grow onions either spring or chives between the rows of carrots this confuses the carrot fly.
Otherwise sow the seeds thinly so no thinning is required. See if I can practice it this year on my plot?

hmm - teeny tiny is definitely going to get through the gaps in the fence! I think that will keep out anything up to the size of smallish (by insect standards anyway!)

Teresa - yep leeks, garlic and chives will all (hopefully - depending on germination) be growing round the carrots, but I like to cover all bases! (first year of carrots!) But sowing thinly - that's something I've never managed to achieve (I'm a bit-more-for-luck sower!)

- fleece will protect - mesh won't. = Tim


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