Produce > Drink ....

What's your Fave??!!

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autumn leaf:
My current favourite is based on a concoction sampled in Sardinia which had been made by the mother of a friend.  It is  made by putting coffee beans in a large orange, placing this in grappa, adding sugar and leaving the lot to do its stuff for about 6 weeks (shaking the jar now and then to mix the sugar and the grappa). It is delicious. Only problem is that having perfected the recipe at last, I can't think of a suitable name for it.  Any ideas?

Ameretto poured slowly over ice - (but can't grow almonds), Calvados same way (but no room for all those apples)  :(

I reduce excess currants to a thick pulp (little or no sugar added), strain and put in icecube bags then take a couple out pour on hot water, sweeten to taste with honey or other and there's a healthy blackcurrant drink BUT could I instead of water fortify with brandy (or something cheaper)  ???  :-\

We make our trifle with amaretto -just soak (well maybe not SOAK) the sponge in it and gee-whizz, keeps the kids quiet after lunch as well :)


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