Author Topic: Advice needed to get me back into gardening  (Read 959 times)


  • Half Acre
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Advice needed to get me back into gardening
« on: December 30, 2006, 22:29:41 »
Hiya, ages since I've posted and even longer since I've mananged to do anything down at the lottie!

After a hectic few months including OH losing a finger in a work accident, my stress levels going through the roof due to various hospital tests. Horses escaping and the poor goat having to be put down. Taking on a new job (supposedly only for 2 weeks to help out and I'm still there months later) and finally losing my father on 21st December after 7 months in hospital :'( , I just can't seem to encourage myself to do anything in the garden or lottie  :(

The polytunnel has been ravaged by the wind and now has no plastic on it, the beds are full of left over plants from the summer and weeds and I'm needing some motivation.

I'd like it if you could help me out with ideas of what I can start preparing, planting and planning now without too much back breaking work being involved.

I've got loads of spring bulbs to plant (flowering) and an extremely overgrown section of garden, although the front garden at home doesn't look too bad (yet).

Any advice welcomed please

Also an apology to anyone I should've sent seeds to and didn't - I completely forgot and then got confused as to who and what I was supposed to be sending  :-[
British Ex-pat now living and gardening in Bulgaria.


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Re: Advice needed to get me back into gardening
« Reply #1 on: December 30, 2006, 22:39:18 »
Me personnaly, I would do some fast growing flowering plants in tubs to brighten up the area. No weeding to do and you can plant straight in. Place them on the surrounding area you are working in at the time. ;)
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Re: Advice needed to get me back into gardening
« Reply #2 on: December 31, 2006, 09:10:33 »
So sorry to hear of a really rough time (((M_B))) what a dreadful few months. Good for you starting to think about plot and garden.

I had a low time two years ago in Jan/Feb. A chum asked me to clear her asparagus bed, so one morning I found myself there with a bucket and trowel. That asparagus bed was the turning point. Over the next few months I cleared that veg patch outwards from the asparagus, never aiming to clear more than 1m2 at a time. When the veg patch was done in May I got an allotment! ;D ;D ;D

What worked then?

Aimed to do little and often, so any extra wildly exceeded expectations (good for Morale)
Stopping whenever I felt like it, even in the middle of a row or whatever
Ignoring scary bits of the garden - developing selective vision
Having someone lavishly and genuinely appreciate the fruits of labour ;)
Mulching unweeded areas so they didn't get any worse!
« Last Edit: December 31, 2006, 09:22:53 by supersprout »


  • Hectare
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Re: Advice needed to get me back into gardening
« Reply #3 on: December 31, 2006, 09:57:52 »
get yourself plenty of hugs from people, do as and when you can, as the weather gets better, so will you, it takes time to turn around, ours was last year, take care of yourself and yours, better new year, hey xx


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Re: Advice needed to get me back into gardening
« Reply #4 on: December 31, 2006, 10:00:40 »
I reckon just doing anything in the garden will make you feel better about it. I spent a couple of hours yesterday just clearing out dead stuff from around the garden while it was dry, and felt much better- and I didn't have any excuse to feel low in the first place!


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Re: Advice needed to get me back into gardening
« Reply #5 on: December 31, 2006, 10:38:38 »
Could you get some cheap pots/troughs etc and pop in your spring bulbs?  There is still time and although they may not all flower some will and they will all make stores for next year.  You can place them so you can see them from windows and by front door so that when you come home it looks welcoming and when you glance outside the window a glimpse of some daffs will be cheering.  Then, at some future date when you are ready you can place them in a more permanent home.

Do you have a bird feeder?  Popping a couple of feeders up in your garden would bring some more interest and watching the birds squabbling always cheers me up!

Then up at the lottie just a bit at a time.  Perhaps not even digging at the moment but just clearing out dead stuff and cutting back overgrown stuff so that it looks tidier - that will make you feel better about it and then when you are ready a little bit of digging will make you feel good, but as the others say, only a little, don't set your sights too high or you will feel dissapointed.  gardening is always a great pick-me-up, just being out in the fresh air with nature is a great restorer.

I am sorry you have been through such a difficult time and send you loads of cyber hugs.  Keep talking to us on here, we can help you through, it is a shame you are so far away, I would have happily come and dug a bit for you!

Do you like broad beans?  Could you dig just some space to plant some in February?  They would be something in the ground and growing, and by march there is a lot more you can plant, that doesn't need a polytunnel or lots of care.  Perhaps browsing through a seed catalogue would bring some excitement.

Is the plastic on the polytunnel a big job, it sounds it.  If so just leave that for now and concentrate on what makes you feel good, the rest will come as you feel better.  Just don't push yourself, you have been through some difficult times and need a bit of pampering!! ;) ;)

Reading back though this is sounds a lot of jobs, just pick what you want to do and don't let the rest stress you.  As Supersprout says, mulch is a wonderful thing, just spread straw all around, it will hide what is underneath and stop any more weeds growing!!

The best of luck to you and please come back and tell us how you are doing, we shall be thinking of you.

Take care


  • Quarter Acre
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Re: Advice needed to get me back into gardening
« Reply #6 on: December 31, 2006, 19:43:15 »
So sorry to hear of all your problems. I can only echo what the others have already said - tackle one thing at a time. In my experience, the hardest thing is actually getting started but if you can take that first step, I'm sure you will become enthused and feel better for it.

Also, do keep in touch with the 'powers that be' on your lottie site and make sure they know (and understand) all your problems.

All the best.



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