Produce > Edible Plants

The joy of leek germination

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cor ceri, you're getting a bit serious aren't you? is it champion leeks you're after? you'll be camping down the allotment surrounded by teh electric fence for sale in the free-ads before you know it!  ;D

Ceri - since no-one has responded, I'll suggest that they should be out in good light as soon as they are nicely through. They'll only get drawn up with too much heat.

What are they in now? If modules, no need to pot-on. And how warm will their new abode be?

I'm sure someone will come in with some championship advice. Me, I'll stick to tender young leeks & onions. = Tim

Thanks Tim - they are in seed trays at the moment, in a heated propogator on top of my piano (although that last bit of information may not be too pertinent).  And no, I'm not going for championship show leeks here - but really good healthy speciments to be proud of from an eating point of view!!  I am just aware that leeks, whether for showing or eating, are under more scrutiny and subject to affectionate mickey taking by the boys on my site more than anything else, and a little bit of me wants to keep up the Geordies!!!

these leeks then - a week old and the biggest is over 1 inch long - I've never grown leeks before and didn't know that the first 1/2 inch growth was 1 stalk, folded in half - today they all unfolded themselves - between looking this morning and looking just now!  I turned off the heat in the propogator this morning, and took the lid off (they are however in a warm living room).  I've never used a heated propogator before and I am so impressed!  If anyone can help me and let me know when they get potted on please let me know!  Tomorrow I'm thinking of taking them out of the propogator onto a warm windowsill (covered at night) to make room for more seeds.  If this is horribly wrong can someone please let me know!

And your piano is in full daylight??

I'm NOT the expert here but - if they are in trays, they should be at least 1" apart in a 2" deep tray.  If not, prick them out into something better. FULL light, but don't fuss about warmth. They need to grow 'hard' from now on. Well, that's my thoughts - I'm sure someone will put another twist on them? = Tim


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