Produce > Non Edible Plants


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I didn't buy any snowdrops - they were there when we moved in. Spreads about very rapidly.

I don't think it's wild garlic after lookign at some pics on the net. flowers face downwards not upwards like the garlic ones I found. Also are not on as long a stem. The bulbs look pretty much the same as bluebell bulbs.


do the flowers have a little green "ouline" in the central drooping part? (don't quite know how to describe this!)

Or perhaps they are "snowflakes" which come out a bit later than snowdrops?

Go to and click on the Images tab, then do a search for both and see what you find!

Ten x

Ten - had a look (thanks) no green bit as shown on the snowflakes.

Now you tell us - the flowers are dangly down - not pointy up!!!

The suggestion to look at web piccies seems good - I've looked in RHS Encyclopedia of Plants and Flowers and all dangly down small white flowers at this time of year are snowdrop or snowflake.

A good website is

takes a bit to download as there are lots of snowdrop pics

You could try Wisley - they have a national collection of snowdrops see

Mrs Ava:
Just a thought, I have dangly down ones (the doctor mentioned a good plastic surgeon...heheheh) and they are little mini aliums that I bought last year.  Possible maybe  ???


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