Produce > Non Edible Plants

Verbena Bonariensis

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I saw this plant when visiting West Dean gardens in Sussex last year. It was covered in butterflies and bees. I have bought some seeds. But they seem very reluctant to germinate. has anyone tried sowing these?

Yes, had no problems. Sown in April, in standard potting compost, lightly covered. Placed in unheated greenhouse and germinated within a couple of weeks. Seeds free with Gardening Magazine.


Thanks for the reply. Thats interesting it must be the same seeds that I also got free on a gardening magazine. I bought a fresh packet and am trying again. I am just using multi-purpose compost with a covering of vermiculite. Perhaps I am being too impatient!!

Ditto Palustris,

I got some free with a magazine and was pleasantly surprised at how easily they germinated - well worth it for the butterfly visitors seeking out the plant and especially if grown near buddleia davidii. Our garden was full of butterflies last year. :D


I got that garden magazine this week for the first time in about 5 years,, got the seeds must sow them to see what happens to them.
Is there anyone else out there who like me think that these garden magazines are a waste of time buying they seem to be the same old things repeated year after year. And how the hell some of the people who write in them call them selves experts,  heaven knows.I think some of us on these boards could wipe the floor with them, especially some one with the knowledge of the likes of Tim to name just one.  Give me good old A4all any day


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