Produce > Edible Plants


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thanks for the thought, John - hope the blast is over over there? Our son's flight home from Washington was cancelled yesterday, and another is due to go there  with his wife this w/e - Tim

Apologies, John. it was you whose name I forgot. I make the excuse that I have difficulty remembering my childrens names so what chance does anyone else stand? We grow Butternut, Delicata, Blue Kurri, Golden Nugget and another one with orange skin which is not a pumpkin. We grow them in a poly tunnel, in a frame and out in the open. This year we have over 25 squashes from  about  10 plants and that is enough to keep us going until next year. Obviously the tunnel ones produce more than the outside ones. And this year has not been particulary good as the lack of water has made things difficult. :)

Thankfully the blast missed us. After making landfall in North Carolina the storm steered almost due North and pounded Buffalo and Toronto with rain and wind before turning East over the almost deserted Canadian hinterlands. You should be getting soaked in 10 days time? Canada Goose may have a different story from me to tell!
As Alishka has pointed out my modesty would not let me be offended by my name being forgotten. I feel embarrassed that I never brought up the subject of your winter squash again even though I am genuinely interested in how they did. I am particularly surprised that you are able to get Delicata to mature as even here we have to do them from transplants (relative maturity about 120 days compared to 80 for Waltham butternut). Well worth the effort though in my opinion- commonly referred to as sweet potato squash (due to it's flavour) over here should anyone want to try it.


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