General > Pets Corner

PLO Annie

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Hi Patricia, yes it has taken a long time for me to work out how to "do" 'photos.   The Hydrotherapy pool is a God-send, and is quite well booked, especially referrals from Vets not assocated with Mypetstop.   Incidentally there is going to be a Mypetstop opening in Leeds in the near future - my Vet is transferring to there.   He is very good and I would recommend him - his name is Christoff.

I read of a Sheltie that had become so fat it couldn't go for walkies, and therefore the owners were at their wit's end as to how to get the weight off.   They found a hydrotherapy pool, and a few sessions there did the trick.   Apparently, 5 mins in the pool is equivalent to 45 mins strenuous walkies.

Ive been lucky enough to meet annie in the flesh and she is looking much better through the hydrotherapy.
I have a plot on the same allotment as Colin (and Annie) and he is the one that pointed me in the direction of allotments4all.
Life in the old dog yet eh, and Im sure Annie will do fine too ;D ::)


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