Produce > Edible Plants

Found this on White Rot

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- lost that, just through trying to modify in the wrong place!
- was saying, sad when when it comes down to banning your friends - and how do you know if they have it? So I should have changed my wellies before visiting others? OMG!

With all this talk of Jeyes and 'patio cleaning', I have to say that my 'sanitisation' was with wiggly-friendly Armillatox @ 1/100. Twice. Cultivating in between. As I said elsewhere, I'll report back next year. - Tim

Hiya  :)


From The Co. that manufactures it.

Under European legislation the active ingredients of all pesticides have to be reviewed, the cost of raising the data for the review is estimated to be £3 million - to a small company the cost is prohibitive

As current legislation stands it will be illegal for Armillatox to be sold as a pesticide after 25th July 2003 in European Member States - outside of Europe it will continue as normal.

We have made representations to the EU and have been supported by our MEP to look at a reduced package for small companies with niche products such as Armillatox but as the deadline approaches, we have has to reconsider our position

Therefore as from 25th July 2003, we will re-label Armillatox as 'Armillatox Soap Based Outdoor Cleaner' so taking it out of the pesticides regulations - the formulation will remain the same.

Armillatox is made from the finest polyalkyl phenolic types available emulsified in the purest vegetable oil soap. It is therefore a NATURAL product which will enhance the soil rather than pollute it, i.e. it is completely bio-degradable. Remember that these polyalkyl phenolic types are obtained from plant life and it is the polyalkyl phenolic types in growing plants which give them their natural resistance to diseases

White Rot In Onions

Drench the ground at the dilution rate (100/1) using 5 litres per square metre.

Apply prior to and after digging.

Plant after 3 weeks.

I think I'll buy my onions from the greengrocer from now on snif snif. White rot, club root, tomato blight..... I've got it all. On the bright side, there are a million other things that grow well, including the blight resistant tomatoes huray! -Ina

and, of course, Armillatox is not cheap if you're on a budget - unless you got it when stores were trying to off-load it.

Our next onion plot - 30'X30' - cost me about £25. So? - we need to be self-sufficient in onions.  And shallots - and garlic! - Tim

- can't think why that too should disappear - so:

on second thoughts, I find I still have a bit left in the dilutor - so - £15? Don't want to put people off.

Let's hope it works - it's GOT TO! - Tim


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