Produce > Edible Plants

Strange things to grow

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when I was a kid, my dad would let me have a bit of his veg garden space to grow gourds - wild and wonderful - not edible though.  Romanesco is a really unusual vegetable that is very difficult to buy - globe artichokes are expensive to buy, and are perennial.  Jerusalem artichoke - apparently grows really tall and makes a good screen.

You could try growing some shoe trees but I hear you need rocking horse manure in order to get them to germinate  ;)

Grow your own lentils  ;D

I grew some purple french beans this year, surprised a lot of people. You can see the picture on the gallery. -Ina

Try a cardoon-huge great thing that (in theory) you can blanch and eat.

Beer Belly-salsify and scorzonera are easy-give them a go.

Stephan(the old man-50 today :) :)


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