Author Topic: gardening gangstas?????  (Read 4932 times)


  • Quarter Acre
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gardening gangstas?????
« on: August 14, 2005, 14:27:32 »
I had quite a scary experience on my plot today. When the other plotholder there left, she left the gate unlocked, (its normally always locked because of vandalism problems). 6 lads aged 11-18 let themselves in. Considering the average mentality of kids that age in my area, this was not good. First they tried to bum cigarettes from me, but I don't smoke, then they tried to persuade me to let them take my car for a drive(!), then they tried to ask me for money, (don't carry any on the plots ever) and then they asked to look around the allotments. I decided to play it cool, although I was quite apprehensive, and  took them over to my new plot, which has some spuds left by a previous tenant, and let them dig up some spuds to give their mums. They seemed to really enjoy this, and one of the younger kids offered to water my plot, so I let him.

They are a handful, and I had to keep a close eye on them & tell them to leave stuff belonging to other people alone, but they have now volunteered themselves as my garden helpers?????? I'm not entirely sure what to make of this, and know the allotment sec is paraniod about kids, hmmmmm. I think given the choice of letting them in & putting them to work, or having them break in & vandalise stuff, I should really give them a cautious chance, perhaps enlisting allotment sec & some others in to help? It was quite bizarre to see very hard kids just relax & enjoy gardening, although when one said they were "gangstas who like gardening", I had to smile to myself. Any thoughts?



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Re: gardening gangstas?????
« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2005, 14:49:57 »
It is possible that they are quite genuine, and appreciate the confidence you have shown them. However, you never know, and they may have just been using the opportunity for a 'bit of fun'.

I would involve the secretary, particularly since we had some 'youths' working a plot, who then fell out amongst themselves and proceeded to vandalise the complete plot and also disturb adjacent plots. As a result, young people are not welcome with us.

Let your committee handle it.

Derek  :D


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Re: gardening gangstas?????
« Reply #2 on: August 14, 2005, 15:30:40 »
It is so easy to make judgment on these lads.  Their parents are probably out at work all day and have little time for the kids when they are home.  Bin there done that so I feel in a position to comment.  The school holidays where always difficult when my kids where small but we managed between other half and I to be there most days.  From being quite small I made a point of letting them help in the garden  when they offered.  Hasn't really sparked an interest but eldest daughter now has her own home and is just starting to experience the joy of her own bit of garden. Isn't it a sad reflection that you felt threatened but I can understand that too.  Well done you though for giving them a chance.  I think that so long as you are there all the time and they are not left alone you should be OK.  Bet their mums where chuffed with the spuds (if they ever arrived home)
Take time to stop and smell the flowers.


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Re: gardening gangstas?????
« Reply #3 on: August 14, 2005, 16:24:29 »
Well done Lisa, You handled what could have been a very tricky situation very well.  You might even have made some converts.  It is easy to think the worst when you are faced with these sort of occasions.   I always remember years ago watching a huge burly biker, approach a little old lady with a suitcase at a lonely metro station.  I was poised to get help when the biker lifted her suitcases over some steep stairs and was really kind and gentle with her. We are so used to expecting the worst now unfortunately.  busy_lizzie
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Re: gardening gangstas?????
« Reply #4 on: August 14, 2005, 17:07:44 »
Very brave, Lisa.


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Re: gardening gangstas?????
« Reply #5 on: August 14, 2005, 17:37:30 »
Well done Lisa, i applaud you for the way you handled things it would not surprise me if the "helpers" paid another visit simply because you showed an interest, they probably do not get that . Cheers Rosebud. ;D


  • Half Acre
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Re: gardening gangstas?????
« Reply #6 on: August 14, 2005, 20:16:16 »
Hi Lisa - you handled it well! Lets hope they really are interested!

If they offer their help, maybe it would be a good idea to say 1 can come each day, rather than having to control all of them. Ask a friend to be there with you until you get to know these lads.

It might be that they did intend on causing trouble, but you have helped them to become interested.

Good luck!


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Re: gardening gangstas?????
« Reply #7 on: August 14, 2005, 20:23:39 »
Lisa - I wrote this a while back in a thread on vandalism:
Its rotten when vandalism happens, but I am trying a long-term strategy. Every time I see kids at the gate, I invite them in (usually they are 6 - 10 yr olds). I invite them to help me dig spuds, find the odd raspberry, but chat to them all the time about things like:  1) There are ever such a lot of poisonous plants about, and some fruits look good but can actually kill you, so never eat anything without asking...  and 2) There's lots of wildlife around, we've even got deadly poisonous snakes in the bushes, and the chap at the end thinks he saw a scorpion or something like it the other day... 3) I'm really poor and if my plants don't grow very well, I don't get anything to eat...        I'll try anything.


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Re: gardening gangstas?????
« Reply #8 on: August 14, 2005, 20:54:55 »
Well done on handling a potentially tricky situation well.  It's nice to think that if they were genuinely interested then they may come back and help out - though I agree with the advice about not being up there by yourself for a while given the age range - and even if they were just having fun, at least they didn't turn nasty and may not in future, given that you were friendly (and firm) with them, and showed an interest.


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Re: gardening gangstas?????
« Reply #9 on: August 14, 2005, 21:02:34 »
well, gardening is a highly infectious disease- all my three offspring caught it very quickly, even the surly 18 year old. Of course, you have yo be canny and give them the nice jobs like digging spuds and picking fruit at first buty I knew I had hit paydirt when the youngest (18) snuck off to his room with a garden book. So, well done Lisa, you may have sown the seeds - lets hope they do not take forever to germinate.

Roy Bham UK

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Re: gardening gangstas?????
« Reply #10 on: August 14, 2005, 21:52:07 »
First up, I’d get in touch with the lady that left you wide open to an unnecessary threat that could have turned really nasty had you not had the wit to turn this horrible situation around and I commend you for that, especially you being a woman (no I’m not being sexist, these kids seem to think it’s big to be threatening and at that age their gonads are fully operational) and tell her in great detail of the frightening experience you endured.

You must have felt petrified (I know I would have, me being a burly bloke too) I probably would have taken a similar line to you as you would have had no chance of over powering so many Yobs, that’s what they are because they entered by trespassing and asked for goods, the loan of an expensive item (Car) and money, that’s about as close to robbery as I have ever heard.

I personally would have contacted the police and expect them to take this onboard as a serious crime and mention the “Gangstas” thing.

Well done to you Lisa you acted as best you could be it a gamble but it paid off.

For your own protection and other lottie peeps, why not print off some of these messages starting with yours and pass them around your lottie neighbours, this should never be allowed to happen again.

Rant over.  >:(

Roy  ;) :)
« Last Edit: August 14, 2005, 22:14:38 by Roy Bham UK »


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Re: gardening gangstas?????
« Reply #11 on: August 14, 2005, 22:04:10 »
you know its sad and ashame we have a low opionon of kids these days


ps i could have gone on but theres a good and bad to everything
another member of i forgot my password

Roy Bham UK

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Re: gardening gangstas?????
« Reply #12 on: August 14, 2005, 22:11:33 »
Well carl, all I can say in brief, is, I hope your wife/partner, daughter, son or friend never gets in a situation like that. ;)


  • Half Acre
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Re: gardening gangstas?????
« Reply #13 on: August 15, 2005, 10:50:52 »
Lisa, I think you did exactly the right thing.  Sometimes if you are judgemental to young people they will respond by acting in the way you pre-judge them.

There are a lot of kids and teenagers hanging around in the lane beside my site, sometimes they light fires or have air guns which can be a bit scary but I chat to them sometimes.  Last week someone had left the gate open and they were on the site picking the wild blackberries when I arrived, I didn't say anything but when I came to leave an hour later I told them I had to lock the gate and they filed straight out without argument!  I think they responded like this because I didn't immediately shout at them to get out.


  • Quarter Acre
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Re: gardening gangstas?????
« Reply #14 on: August 15, 2005, 11:23:20 »
As someone who used to be a full time youth worker and who still volunteers to do stuff - some with kids from "the wrong side of the tracks" I would say very well done Lisa - for the most part kids that age are full of bravado, purely because as 12-14 year olds they needed to be so they weren't the ones getting their heads flushed down toilets at school - but in 95% of cases bravado is entirely what it is and once you get beneath that you tend to find young people, struggling to find an identity for themselves - either they have felt rejected at home or at school, many will have lacked good parental role models, even more won't have had faith shown in them and encouragment and support.

Gardening is something often used with young people, because it's a great leveller, for the first time in their lives, it's not important how much ball control they have, how well they can read and write, how well they can decipher shakespear of how good at maths they are. They can pour their physical energy into something creative, rather than destructive and will feel good about themselves, when they make things happen - though remember it's always important to praise success and good things, and to give discipline where necessary.

however I also think the advice not to do it on your own is sound - because there are a small minority who may take things too far. But show a little faith and you may be rewarded - remember it is probably not their fault they are like they are - kids learn to be bad from bad examples - show them a good example and they will flourish.


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Re: gardening gangstas?????
« Reply #15 on: August 15, 2005, 11:29:51 »
Well said Timmy  ;D
Take time to stop and smell the flowers.


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Re: gardening gangstas?????
« Reply #16 on: August 15, 2005, 12:15:18 »
I think you did a lovely thing, but keep an eye on them! I find groups of teenagers incredibly threatening, and I'm only 23. Get them interested in gardening and they won't have any time for vandalising, hopefully. :D



  • Half Acre
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Re: gardening gangstas?????
« Reply #17 on: August 15, 2005, 13:22:23 »

I agree with the general consensus, you did a good thing, however much of a chance it may seem.  I entirely understand your apprehension but hopefully this experience will give them confidence and also give you confidence when faced with more "intimidating" teenagers. 

I go to college during the week and walk home from the train station at 10pm, usually walking past a gang of teenagers.  Being the contrary bird I am I refused to cross the road and instead was as courteous as I would be to anybody else when I asked them to move out of the way for me.  Since then I simply have to smile and they happily give me space.  It all goes back to the very simple  piece of advice everyone has heard, "treat others as you wish to be treated."  It works for all ages.

Now if I could just stop those pensioners hitting me with sticks in a mad unnecessary dash to get on the bus first (even when I stand aside!) the world will be a wonderful place  ;) ;D :)



  • Quarter Acre
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Re: gardening gangstas?????
« Reply #18 on: August 15, 2005, 13:57:04 »
I've spoken to the allotment sec, who doesn't want the kids on site. I found it incredibly difficult to control them as a group, but they genuinely seemed interested, especially the younger ones, so I'm going to offer them the chance to help, but only one at a time.

That way hopefully a balance is struck between giving them a chance & not putting my personal safety at risk.



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Re: gardening gangstas?????
« Reply #19 on: August 15, 2005, 15:52:03 »
good for you. I expect the interest may wane....but you never know.
Well done you for dealing with a potentially nasty situation so well!


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