Produce > Edible Plants

starting sowing

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I use St Davids Day March 1st,
thats my cue to get going when I have a bunch of daffs in the house.

Mrs Ava:
Well Tim, Ava, my trusters do'er, goes and puts my heater on when he feels a nip in the air.  I don't heat it every night through the winter, am yet to win the lottery!  However, my garden isn't huge and is very well sheltered and things do seem to survive really cold spells.  I still have annuals looking okay, and huge echiums which I am hoping will leap skywards next year are looking great and everyone told me they will drop the first signs of frost.  Plus, the old greeny is well insulated and all my babies are huddled together.  Me finks I am just lucky  :)


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