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Started by rosebud, April 04, 2012, 19:06:34

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 My Lupins have almost rotted well some of them actually  i have had them growing in my different gardens for years & this has never happened. 1 plant was almost mush, does anyone know why this has happened.
Is there a virus? about or something.
I really like my Lupins & i am very dissapointed. :( Can anyone help please.
Thank you.Rosebud



I love lupins, I once lost alot to mealie bugs the lupin just gave up and died with it but you can see them ,can,t think of anything else sorry :)

Mrs Ava

Are they in pots?  Vine weevil?  One of my customers grew masses from seed and over half rotted as he kept them so wet over the winter. Have yours sat in very wet soil over the winter.  Such a shame as lupins are so lovely and put on such a good show.


 Hi Emma, no not in pots been in my different gardens for a few years now & this is the first time i have ever had any trouble with my lovely Lupins, i am gutted,
Regards Mary xx.


Was the frost harsh with you, it could just be frost damage as they got off to a really early start and might just be set back a bit and re sprout.

I would dig one up and have a look at the roots. If the roots are mush to then its probably a disease if they are strong it was probably frost.

Good luck with them
x Sunloving


ps I have some spare last years seedlings that will flower this year all in purple or pink series that i can send you if you fancy just PM me.
x Sunloving

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