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Black currants

Started by qahtan, November 13, 2009, 21:04:11

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 Gerry has just come in and told me that the black currants are coming into bud.
What's going to happen when winter really arrives and we get it really cold, and whats it going to do to next years crop..

                  What funny weather we are getting that's for sure......qahtan



Quote from: qahtan on November 13, 2009, 21:04:11
Gerry has just come in and told me that the black currants are coming into bud. you live in a shelterd spot??



Quote from: qahtan on November 13, 2009, 21:04:11
Gerry has just come in and told me that the black currants are coming into bud.
What's going to happen when winter really arrives and we get it really cold, and whats it going to do to next years crop..

                  What funny weather we are getting that's for sure......qahtan
What does he actually mean by coming into bud?  Because deciduous plants form buds in the Autumn - in fact, it is next year's buds that push off this years dead leaves so if the buds are small, then it is normal.
Lotty @ Lincoln (Lat:53.24, Long:-0.52, HASL:30m)


Tee Gee

Nothing to worry about, this can be quite normal.

In fact I stuck in some prunings alongside my bushes to increase my stock and even they have budded.

What you have to worry about is if they turn to 'big bud'

It seems to be a funny season this year!

I am expecting a delivery of raspberry canes and have just had an e-mail to tell me delivery will be late because the new stock isn't dormant yet, so until that happens they will not lift them.

So put it down to the mild autumn!


black currants do bud in Autumn/Fall

That is how you tell the difference between them and Red Currants (they bud in Spring)


Thanks for that info. PH.   I have both and thought the reds were not doing so well as the black.


these are  not behaving as per normal.   :-(((( qahtan

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