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What do we look like?

Started by terrace max, December 09, 2005, 20:16:48

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undercarriage plan

Big girls blouses...!! I've PMd, am now running for cover!!!Blamed you lot, said you were holding my DMs to ransome..... ;D ;D ;D

undercarriage plan


terrace max

Did you get the bit about splitting the photos from the banter Ms Secretary Plan?
I travelled to a mystical time zone
but I missed my bed
so I soon came home

undercarriage plan

Mmmm no.....she says putting pen behind ear and pelting off to address the issue...... this is why I'm a gardener.... ::)


i am LOVIN' this thread! ;D
our picture is on our avatar thingy and i have no idea how to post another one!

i just can't believe i imagined you all soooooo wrong! :o
i thought gardengirl was about 19 and terrace max was chubby (i have no idea why)

this is such fun  ;D ;D ;D
Tara xxx


DaveTara ;D ;D ;D

                         Nice to Meet you....To meet you nice ;D ;D ;D
Sometimes its better to listen than to talk


Trouble is for some reason I don't always see the avatars.  They are getting to be a bit like the Scarlet Pimpernel....

Like at the moment most are hiding including my own!

Neil (The Young Ones) once said "You plant the seed, the seed grows, you harvest the seed....You plant the seed....."   if only it was that simple!!!


Quote from: daveandtara on December 17, 2005, 21:29:27
i thought gardengirl was about 19

Now you know why I call myself Gardengirl Tara..........wishful thinking ;) ;D ;D ;D
Happy gardening all...........Pat


Well I'm not sure I should say this but I thought Wardy was about 70 until I saw pic....


Dear me  Nathan, you had better watch out.  Your are 'in' for it now..

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


Dave just got home (drunk as a sack  ::))
he would like it to be known that (tho incapable of typing himself) that this thread is ALL WRONG.
wardy is (and i quote) an "old lady in an apron."  doris pinks is "well old, grey and fat" she must be. (apparently)
tulip23 is s'posed to be a woman and where'd he steal that bike?

terrace max

OH BOY...some of you guys are in for it this morning!

I'm going to escape into the garden and let you sort it out amongst yourselves...

BTW Tara, I don't mind being thought of as chubby - but the reality is very different. I believe 'ripped' is the appropriate adjective? Anyway, you have lovely hair   :)
I travelled to a mystical time zone
but I missed my bed
so I soon came home


Methinks you are stirring it a little bit Tara (giggle ... )

Derekthefox :D

terrace max

I think everyone else is still asleep DTF. Or hiding from Wardy and Doris P....
I travelled to a mystical time zone
but I missed my bed
so I soon came home


The latter seems more realistic ...

Derekthefox :D


Nathan......... 8)

"YOU'VE BEEN WARNED" wait til she reads that ;D ;D ;D
Sometimes its better to listen than to talk


Davetara ;D ;D ;D

That Stolen Bike;D......its gone Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh

Broke my heart :'( :'( :'(......Part exchanged for a Honda

Deauville 8)   YESTERDAY  so the Other Half will come back

Riding with me. ;D ;D ;D

Sometimes its better to listen than to talk


Stop Wardy!

You don't look a day over 50!



For those who know me, here's a picture of me with my pride and joy, Gracie (I'm the one on the left).

From the virtual quill of the Splott-Lotter

undercarriage plan

Oh Jimbo, shes gorgeous!! And I may be a bit slow, but I did kinda gather she didn't have the long white beard.... ::) And nice to meet you too!!
And no way in heck was I coming anywhere near this til Wards had seen I was in no way involved in Nathan and Dave's posts.... ;D ;D ;D Not completely mad and don't have a death wish....Morning all, and by eck it's freezing!!!!

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