Killing a conifer stump

Started by redimp, July 01, 2005, 21:51:08

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My mate has chopped down a conifer in his yard and has turfed round where it used to be.  He wants to kill then preserve the stump so it can be used to carry something along the lines of table top.  Have you any tips as to how this can be done please.  Organic preferred but I am aware that this may not be possible.
Lotty @ Lincoln (Lat:53.24, Long:-0.52, HASL:30m)



Lotty @ Lincoln (Lat:53.24, Long:-0.52, HASL:30m)



you will stuggle to do it organically. maybe drill a big hole down the middle and pour a big tub of salt in, thats pretty organic i imagine.


Conifers tend not to shoot from old wood, so he may well be OK. Tell him not to worry until it starts shooting.


As Robert says, it is most unlikely to break out new growth, which means that it will simply die, and eventually rot away - aided by woodpeckers, wood boring insects and fungi.   If he really wants to preserve it then he will have to let the sap dry out a bit and then bore a hole down it and inject it.

The inorganic way is to keep filling the hole with wood preservative, which will very slowly work downwards as the sap dries out.

Organically, possibly he can keep pouring calcium into it in the hope that it will petrify, but then it would probably shatter if he tries to screw screws or knock nails into it.


Thanks - will tell him.  He did not believe he would get an answer that quick.  ;D
Lotty @ Lincoln (Lat:53.24, Long:-0.52, HASL:30m)



I cut down a 20 year old conifer hedging, they were over 15 ft tall! I didn't treat the stumps with anything but there was negligable sprouting. I would just cut the tree to the stump height required and give the new cut a good soaking with preservative. Should make a decent table.
If you wanted to make a seat from it, cut it 2ft higher then halfway through at 2ft lower and split it down the middle using wedges. That way you get a seat with a back rest....boom-boom!

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