Another pond plant planting question

Started by Mrs Ava, April 05, 2007, 22:08:44

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Mrs Ava

We have a selection of pond plants all in buckets waiting for the new pond to be finished, but I am hoping to get lots more plants (if I rob the bank).  When I was at the ye olde pond shoppe today I noticed they sell the baskets and compost, but also hessian basket liners.  Do I need to line the baskets before planting the plants?  I have never done this before and I think the plants have always done okay but am now wondering if I am doing things wrong.

Mrs Ava


We don't usually line the baskets but you do need to put gravel on top to stop the soil [special stuff] floating away.  On GW last week they planted some pond plants & omitted the gravel & you sould see all the soil escaping as they lowered the pots.

Mrs Ava

I saw that Mary.  Yes, I always put a good layer of gravel on top of the pots.  I guess it is just the shop making more profit from us water gardeners.

tim k

you can get the hessian from a builders merchant its worth using it as the soil escapes through the sides of the pot

old white cotton sheets are just as good they break down a bit faster but by that time the root system holds the soil in place


To be quite honest for 50p it's worth using the hessian. It does stop the soil eroding. If you have koi carp you will need to put a good layer of gravel on the top otherwise they will ferret amongst the plants and uproot them.
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                      "What a sweet little old lady"........
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