Author Topic: courgettes are going quiet. Are yours?  (Read 4035 times)


  • Hectare
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Re: courgettes are going quiet. Are yours?
« Reply #20 on: August 18, 2017, 00:13:29 »
No, no, no, there is only one way that courgettes should be eaten, all these flash recipes look good but very, very thinly sliced chucked into hot olive oil and viciously fried with onion, garlic and chopped chorizo, bung in an anchovy and you are ready to go. Oh, getting hungry now, better go and knock up a snack with todays pickings.

Sounds fantastic!  Simpler still, cut them lengthways into 1cm or so thick strips, brush with olive oil, sprinkle with salt and chargrill them on the BBQ or a  stovetop grill pan until they get nicely caramelized...

This is my favourite too, although I cut them thinner. Cooked really fast like Ace says so they caramelise but don't go soggy.

They take spices and herbs and other flavourings really well. I love adding Cajun seasoning, smoked paprika, rosemary and garlic, or ras-el-hanout mix when they are nearly done. A touch of cinnamon is also surprisingly good.


  • Hectare
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Re: courgettes are going quiet. Are yours?
« Reply #21 on: August 18, 2017, 10:51:26 »
Lots of flowers on my runner beans but still no beans.

Now here's a funny thing. My mate on the next plot planted the same variety as me within 2 days, He has millions of beans I have flowers. I noticed the other day he was spraying his beans with a hand held water spray. I asked what he was doing and he said 'setting' the flowers. I have never heard of this and have never done it to my own, plenty of bees from the hives to do the business so I thought. Anyway I gave one wigwam a spray and now it is miles ahead of the other 3 with beans galore. Has anybody else done/heard of this?


  • Hectare
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Re: courgettes are going quiet. Are yours?
« Reply #22 on: August 18, 2017, 11:29:33 »
Yes, me.  Think my father told me years ago.  I use a watering can and kind of spray it up and down the bean plants, as well as watering the roots.  But my French beans have done better than the runners this year.


  • Hectare
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Re: courgettes are going quiet. Are yours?
« Reply #23 on: August 18, 2017, 11:50:13 »
Regarding the courgettes, I would (have!) tidied up the scorched brown leaves, mildewy green leaves, and any that are blocking the path,fellow curcubits etc and this will allow the rain (we have had plenty!) to continue to sustain the root area.Hopefully you would have pre-loaded with enough manure/compost before planting. There could be 2 more months of production to be had, early frosts not withstanding." You simply cannot have too many courgettes" !! My neighbours  just love 'em.
Freelance cultivator qualified within the University of Life.


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Re: courgettes are going quiet. Are yours?
« Reply #24 on: August 18, 2017, 12:42:49 »
I have really not had many at all this year.  On my little allotment they are coming at about 2 or 3 a week, and at home we have had 2 fruit so far!!!! It has been too dry here I think. I do have a pattytpan squash in with the pumpkins though and that is giving lots of fruit, I think the pumpkins keep the ground cool and damp. Had a few cukes too, which were actually very nice and not bitter. Think they were marketmore.   I usually have better luck with yellow courgettes (Sun something, sunbeam? sunburst?" but they didn't sprout this year so I have Nero di Milano. A bit disappointed as they are usually my most successful crop! But it's been an odd year weatherwise.
2012 - Snow in February, non-stop rain till July. Blight and rot are rife. Thieving voles cause strife. But first runner beans and lots of greens. Follow an English allotment in urban France:


  • Hectare
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Re: courgettes are going quiet. Are yours?
« Reply #25 on: August 18, 2017, 15:53:23 »
The courgettes are out and I managed to chop more than one plant up to get them into the hotbin, remarkably the hotbin was steaming hot and had sunk to half full, from full,  in 36 hours. The other 3/4 plant is chopped and under cover, ready to feed the hotbin monster tomorrow evening. Last three courgettes are in and the soil underneath is lovely, very crumbly, so a perfect thing to do today, remove the weed fabric, rake and sprinkle phacelia, which is in early enough to give me a good green manure for winter and to boot, soil moisture is perfect and the sun is shining with showers

Beans will be next but they will be kept to the end. Very good crop of moonlight. Not many flowers now but healthy plants and many tiny beanlets


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