Author Topic: New Recycling Ideas(I CAN? CAN YOU?)  (Read 187034 times)

iain j

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Re: New Recycling Ideas(I CAN? CAN YOU?)
« Reply #360 on: March 18, 2009, 08:51:32 »
Most recycling centres now recycle plastic bottles, well they recycle a great deal more then they did. It is a shame that the kerbside recycling don't take carboard, plastic bottles as we wouldn't need to use a
motor car/van and save the fuel, saving the environment even more  :)
Iain j


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Re: New Recycling Ideas(I CAN? CAN YOU?)
« Reply #361 on: March 18, 2009, 09:21:37 »
There is a lot of variation between local authorities when it comes to recycling - we can put metal, a lot of plastics paper and cardboard in our recycling bin but not glass.  So we have to take our glass (mostly wine bottles) to the nearest supermarket recycling place (luckily its pretty close).
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Re: New Recycling Ideas(I CAN? CAN YOU?)
« Reply #362 on: March 18, 2009, 19:54:30 »
Ours take glass bottles and jars, tins and cans, only plastic bottles, all papers and cardboard if not to big to fit in there bins.  ;D ;D ;D


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Re: New Recycling Ideas(I CAN? CAN YOU?)
« Reply #363 on: March 19, 2009, 00:50:18 »
In Greenwich we found it takes about a year to get any problems with our waste collection service sorted out even though we are the best in the Country.
What I've found is if you invite the top people in your Council who deal with your waste to come to any meeting, they will either come themselves or send someone else to do a presentation as they want us ALL to do our bit. At the meeting this will give them the chance to tell you more about how they intend to deal with your waste. But this will also give you the chance to tell them how you would like to be served by the Council as Tax payers, who pay their wages. The biggest problem we have got is some people don't give a ---- and go through life thinking nothing applies to them, so we end up with a good idea of trying to reduce some of our waste going to landfill site being treated as a joke, especially now there's no money in it, so some Council will try do what ever to help keep down cost, or try to make up the money in some way.
What I can't understand is if our system works so well why does'nt everyone else use it.  ;D
« Last Edit: March 19, 2009, 00:58:33 by JRP » designed to help save lives. John. J.R.P.


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Re: New Recycling Ideas(I CAN? CAN YOU?)
« Reply #364 on: March 20, 2009, 00:47:36 »
 ;D ::) Hi ALL, what more can I say, but thank you very much Greenwich Times for reporting about our New Neighbourhood Pride Community Garden Project at Abbey Wood on the middle pages, dated the 17-3-2009 number (41), with the heading, LOVE THY NEIGHBOURHOOD ,and follow your pride. And why not if it helps to make your estate a much better place to live I say.   ;D
May you and yours and what you grow live long and happy. John. J.R.P. ( Recycling )
« Last Edit: March 20, 2009, 00:59:52 by JRP » designed to help save lives. John. J.R.P.


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Re: New Recycling Ideas(I CAN? CAN YOU?)
« Reply #365 on: March 23, 2009, 02:29:30 »
 ;D ::) Hi ALL, to make my MOTHER'S day and Mother Natures day a little bit special I've added a guestbook to my website because without them both I would not be here.
If you think I'm not wasting my time on this earth please add your comments if it helps to spread the word. May you and yours and what you grow live long and happy. John.J.R.P.  :)
« Last Edit: March 23, 2009, 02:31:17 by JRP » designed to help save lives. John. J.R.P.


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Re: New Recycling Ideas(I CAN? CAN YOU?)
« Reply #366 on: March 29, 2009, 14:26:04 »
 ;D ::) Hi ALL some very good news our Community Garden Project is well under way now and I've even been nominated for an Environment award 2009, and someone as offered to do a short documentary video film about me and the way I grow things. Now I'm sowing and growing and showing what can be done by anyone who's into gardening and reusing waste to be of some benefit in one way or another. :)
May you and yours and what you grow live long and happy. John. J.R.P.(recycling)
« Last Edit: March 29, 2009, 14:35:25 by JRP » designed to help save lives. John. J.R.P.


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Re: New Recycling Ideas(I CAN? CAN YOU?)
« Reply #367 on: March 29, 2009, 16:59:45 »
Well done JR! Please don't forget to post a link to the video when it's made 8)



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Re: New Recycling Ideas(I CAN? CAN YOU?)
« Reply #368 on: March 31, 2009, 00:32:41 »
 :-[ ::) Hello Hyacinth thank you very much once again for showing your support, with this in mind could I ask you to please make a comment on my website near the end of the menu to add to what Jakki has said, as it would do me good to read it and it might encourage others to make a comment too, if they are like you and Jakki who think I'm not wasting my time in sharing my ideas with others.
If you don't that's ok I will still know you care.  ::) :)
May you and yours and what you grow live long and happy. John. J.R.P. designed to help save lives. John. J.R.P.


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Re: New Recycling Ideas(I CAN? CAN YOU?)
« Reply #369 on: April 11, 2009, 10:34:59 »
 ;D ::) Hi ALL it's Easter and I'm now sowing and showing and growing more in my containers to help promote Gardening, Grow your own, Allotments, being Green in Communities, Saving lives, Trying to Help Poor people, World Aid, Poverty, Recycling, and the Environment, all done by simply visiting my website to help spread the word.  :)
May you and yours and what you grow live long and happy God bless. John. J.R.P. (recycling )
« Last Edit: April 11, 2009, 10:44:00 by JRP » designed to help save lives. John. J.R.P.


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Re: New Recycling Ideas(I CAN? CAN YOU?)
« Reply #370 on: May 11, 2009, 00:30:01 »
 ;D Hi ALL. Mother Nature Needs our HELP.
If you are a Gardener or a Recycler you might find my idea of Reusing PLANTs again instead of putting them into composters or a bin of interest to you..
For example our Parks and Open Spaces Gardeners will be pulling out Pansies and Polyanthus all over the place to put other plants in because they have finished flowering because of mainly not having their dead heads removed to encourage more groth like we would do in our own gardens.
What I would like to see happen is to save them if we can. WHY. To mainly help keep down the cost of our Councils spending our money over and over again each year on plants which they could reuse over and over again in some way with money being so short now. Or why not let any gardener have them for FREE I think would be a good idea too, it's just a thought because when I bought my Pansies and Polyanthus and Dianthus plants last year from B&Q they were reduced because they were duying in their trays but now they are still alive with a bit of T.L.C. by working together we can make a big difference.  May you and yours and what you grow live long and happy. John.J.R.P. designed to help save lives. John. J.R.P.


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Re: New Recycling Ideas(I CAN? CAN YOU?)
« Reply #371 on: May 22, 2009, 01:42:09 »
 ;D ::) Hi ALL if you want to see my vertical water recycling growing system set up please visit the back of Mottingham SE9 Community Learning-Shop. Or please take the time to visit our Community Garden in-between Rosedale Close and Eynesham Drive at Abbey Wood. Or my Allotment Plot site The Course SE9. I'm sure it wont be a waste of your time. Or please visit my website J.R.P. recycling to see the way I do things in a different way to help save lives and reduce waste going to landfill sites if I can with your help.
Thank You for taking the time to read my message.
May you and yours and what you grow live long and happy. John.
« Last Edit: May 22, 2009, 01:46:54 by JRP » designed to help save lives. John. J.R.P.


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Re: New Recycling Ideas(I CAN? CAN YOU?)
« Reply #372 on: May 28, 2009, 17:57:38 »
 ;D  ::) Hi ALL I've some very good Crop Growing news that I would like to share with you if it helps to feed people in the future done with the help of my website photos being proof.
As I've just noticed my first blade of RICE growing in one of my 1 litre bottomless bottles today 28-5-2009 done with Mother Natures help to show you sown on the 9-12-2008.
May you and yours and what you grow live long and happy with the help of Mother Nature. John. ( J.R.P. recycling )  :) designed to help save lives. John. J.R.P.


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Re: New Recycling Ideas(I CAN? CAN YOU?)
« Reply #373 on: June 04, 2009, 01:34:57 »
 ;D  ::) MOTTINGHAM FESTIVAL SE9  June 6th - 21st 2009.
Mottingham Festival COMMUNITY Trust 'Merry Mottingham'

The Mottingham Festival has been run every two years since 1973. Its aim is to BENEFIT the COMMUNITY by organising a VARIETY of EVENTS that will APPEAL to a CROSS-SECTION of LOCAL RESIDENTS and they thank everyone who's HELPED to MAKE THE FESTIVAL POSSIBLE.

The Festival is a NON-PROFIT-MAKING ORGANISATION, and any surplus money raised will go to benefit local charity.
If you would like to come along and see ME on the 6th June and my presentation along with lots of other things going on from 1 - 5pm at the FETE and GRAND OPENING.
Mottingham Sports Ground (Foxes Field), Grove Park Road. I'm sure it wont be a waste of your time.
For more information about the Festival please go to: Email: Thank You.

Some more good news my ONE RICE plant seedling has grown another leaf to replace the one I pulled off, plus our Community Garden project is in the GT 2-6-2009 No.52. I'm sorry to say the filming never took place because of copy rights.
May you and yours and what you grow live long and happy. John. J.R.P.(recycling) designed to help save lives. John. J.R.P.


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Re: New Recycling Ideas(I CAN? CAN YOU?)
« Reply #374 on: June 09, 2009, 02:05:33 »
 ;D :) 8-6-2009.
Hi ALL this message is to everyone who's interested in RECYCLING and REUSING things in a different way.
With this in mind tonight at our St Alban's Church Hall on our Coldharbour Estate SE9 I put forward my old photos idea which I would also like to share with you as we all must have some to show others some where. I say this after watching a very interesting look back into my past which I shared with others who also went to see an illustated talk by our local historian John Kennett who put together a new presentation for this year's Mottingham Festival.
Little did I know what I was about to see and hear about in regards to living over 60 years on what was once called Coldharbour Farm before it became a Council Estate.
Now comes my idea which I believe we could all play our part in if we would like to share a moment in time with others, simple done by making a copy of a photo or handing in the original one to say your local libary, and say to them you would like them to be shown to others in the way of remembering the past. Ofcourse they would like to have some info about the photos to help give a bigger picture to add to others, for example like living on our Mottingham Estate photos I looked at with others in our local Church.
I did speak to Mr John Kennett after having the chance to stand up and put my idea to him and all of those how were there too. He was all for it and suggested we could also hand them into our local historians too, which I'm sure like me others will do if they don't like throwing things away when they can be of benefit in one way or another.
I will look forward to your support done by doing your own bit in your own way in any time you like as this is only an idea which is or could be apart of our lives in the future.
May you and yours and what you grow live long and happy. John. JRP recycling. designed to help save lives. John. J.R.P.


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Re: New Recycling Ideas(I CAN? CAN YOU?)
« Reply #375 on: June 16, 2009, 23:41:25 »
 ;D ::) Hi ALL. A Message to everyone on this day the 16-6-2009. I know how to grow RICE in water, on water, or VERTICALLY simply done by using plastic containers as a water recycling system which is also transportable. To see what I claim is TRUE please visit my website may you and yours and what you grow live long and happy. Thank YOU.
JRP recycling or John. J.R.P. designed to help save lives. John. J.R.P.


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Re: New Recycling Ideas(I CAN? CAN YOU?)
« Reply #376 on: August 01, 2009, 01:56:49 »
 ;D ::) Hi ALL my Community Garden Projects reusing Waste containers is slowly getting known, even to the point of at my latest project some of my container section which the people said they would like put outside their front doors have been stolen, and some plants too, which was all set up by me for FREE as part of Neighburhood Pride supported by our own Greenwich Council SE10. I've even replace 5 section and they were stolen again, the shame part is I'm willing to make anyamount of section up for people to grow things in if I have enough containers to do so, so there is no need to steal them. Yes we do know it's the local kids who are doing it but at some point someone will say enough is enough if it gives people the chance to grow something who don't have a garden, but they do have a balcony or a walk way with railings ouside their door to use on the inside of course. To see stages of how I'm doing things please visit my website if you want to see something done in a different way.
Is'nt it great to see what Mother Nature can grow with a little bit of help, even my RICE seedlings are still trying to survive in my containers in our weather conditions, having any leaves turning yellow is not a good sign I know, and trying to grow them in my back garden with high trees and other houses all around blocking out a lot of the light, they are doing well compared to hours of light each day they would have. My RICE plants might be only 3 inches high now but something is going on with some growth coming from the base roots of my first shoot, with this in mind I've just up dated my website to another 250 MB again to cover even more photos to show everyone proof of what is happerning using my ideas, the latest one being on the Glyndon Estate SE 18. plus I'm in the process of putting back photos I had to take off because I had no room for others to go on.
On the 25-7-2009 I did another presentation of my reuse of waste containers idea when I joined others having a good time at our local St Edwards Church Fete Mottingham SE9, after a lot of interest being shown by people involved in school projects and other people from different countries, I'm now looking forward to them helping to spread the word in their own ways as they have seen with their own eyes what you can grow in waste plastic containers, to help reduce them going to landfill sites in the UK and the rest of the world. Whilst having waste plastic containers outside your door may not look ok to some people, with flowers in they really do look ok and they hide the railings too.
I hope I'm inspiring alot of others out there to reuse waste in the way I do otherwise I'm wasting my time.  May you and yours and what you grow live long and happy. John.  :) designed to help save lives. John. J.R.P.


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Re: New Recycling Ideas(I CAN? CAN YOU?)
« Reply #377 on: August 01, 2009, 22:19:35 »
i don't think you are wasting your time i checkout your site whenever you say its been updated but it is hard to read at time. either way kep up what you are doing, i'm sure it will help someone out there.


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Re: New Recycling Ideas(I CAN? CAN YOU?)
« Reply #378 on: August 02, 2009, 00:23:21 »
 ;D ::) Hi thifasmom thank you very much for showing your interest in way I'm doing things, and for incouraging me to carry on in my own way.
May you and yours and what you grow live long and happy. John. :)
« Last Edit: August 02, 2009, 00:26:08 by JRP » designed to help save lives. John. J.R.P.


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Re: New Recycling Ideas(I CAN? CAN YOU?)
« Reply #379 on: September 01, 2009, 03:29:08 »
 ;D ::) Hi ALL it's time for me to plant my Winter Pansies in my waste containers again to show everyone just how simple they are to grow. And YES I've just put some more photos onto my website again on how I do it, along with some other photos of my Garden Projects too. I do hope you enjoy my funny shaped green and red Tomatoes. Up date some of my RICE plants are still growing and all my bits of potato are starting to grow too. And my Dianthus and Strawberries are flowering again this year even though they only get some water added maybe once a week in this very hot weather. The sad part for me is Mr Hilary Benn as not bothered to reply to my 2 e-mails I sent to him after watching some TV programme all about food and waste, and the way he would like to do things in different ways as the Environment and food Minister.
All I would like him to do is link me to all the people he knows who maybe are interested in using my growing system, made from waste to help reduce it going to landfill sites in the UK and the rest of the world. If Mr Hilary Benn don't want to know what chance have I got in this crazy world. I suppose only time will tell if I've wasted my time or not.
Thank You for taking the time to read my message.
May you and yours and what you grow live long and happy. John. JRP recycling. designed to help save lives. John. J.R.P.


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