Author Topic: Bean and pea swap  (Read 29896 times)


  • Hectare
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Re: Bean and pea swap
« Reply #60 on: September 26, 2010, 23:32:19 »


Got lots of the following:
Polish Climbing
Egyptian Pea-Bean
Blue Lake
Marvel of Venice
Birds Egg

Have limited or very limited of:
Minnesota Purple Mennonite Stripe
Giganda (Giant butter bean but it's not the same species), though depending on the harvest there might be a lot more gIgandas cos there's lots green on the plant, we need some sun but no frost to get me more drying as seed...


Got plenty or lots of
Black Pencil Pod Wax
Yin -Yang
Ernies Big-Eye Bean

I've got limited numbers of

It's highly unlikely I'll have any
Arranesco, they were a late planting and I'm only just cropping green beans now...
Lima, they crop late, ATM I need what little seed I have for nexrt year, that said if the weather plays nice I might get some spare.... It's not hard to find though.

It's not worth saving
Cobra, it's an F1... I've got some spare seeds from a pack I got in Wyevales sale though



  • Hectare
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Re: Bean and pea swap
« Reply #61 on: September 27, 2010, 01:12:40 »
Great selection Chrissc.  We could all do with a few more sunny days to get some of the late varieties ripened off.  Hope you get much more Gigandas.

I am pretty sure Cobra is not a hybrid bean, its OP and you can save seeds from it.  None of the packets that I have seen say it is and by law they must state on the packet if a seed is F1 hybrid.  If they don't, it is OP.


  • Hectare
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Re: Bean and pea swap
« Reply #62 on: September 27, 2010, 14:35:11 »
Great selection Chrissc.  We could all do with a few more sunny days to get some of the late varieties ripened off.  Hope you get much more Gigandas.

I am pretty sure Cobra is not a hybrid bean, its OP and you can save seeds from it.  None of the packets that I have seen say it is and by law they must state on the packet if a seed is F1 hybrid.  If they don't, it is OP.

Oh... I could ahve sworn that it said F1 on the packet.... oh well... no hope of seeds from it now though, I've been eating/freezing  them green as and when they came.... doesn't matter really though, I've got a packet of seeds for them and I'll only need half of them if that.....

I'm really hoping for:
Canadian Wonder
Bush Pinto

Anythign interesting... if there's a climbing red kidney or a climbing pinto then definitely them (and I'd rather have climbers than dwarfs so if they turn up I won't want Canadian Wonder or Bush pinto...

I'd also like to try a trial with my black sport pea bean. It will need to be rather more controlled than is usual, and I'll want a few pods worth of beans back from each plant that's grown, seperately packed by plant so that I can trace it..... I've got an idea that the melanic trait is going to be a dominant, so I need to trace through a couple of generations from the next one to work out which strain has two doses of it.... I would expect that the beans I've got will give 75% black and 25% standard bicolour offspring. The stnadard bicolour will be the same as the original plant strain and can goi back into the "general population". Of the black ones, 2/3 will be the same as the parent, with one melanic gene, but the other 1/3 (ie 25% of the total harvest) will be double-melanic, and therefore stable. They will be the basis of Crosskey's Nubian Pea-Bean....


  • Hectare
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Re: Bean and pea swap
« Reply #63 on: September 27, 2010, 14:48:39 »
Oh... I could ahve sworn that it said F1 on the packet....
Anythign interesting... if there's a climbing red kidney or a climbing pinto then definitely them (and I'd rather have climbers than dwarfs so if they turn up I won't want Canadian Wonder or Bush pinto...
I'd also like to try a trial with my black sport pea bean. It will need to be rather more controlled than is usual, and I'll want a few pods worth of beans back from each plant that's grown, seperately packed by plant so that I can trace it..... I've got an idea that the melanic trait is going to be a dominant, so I need to trace through a couple of generations from the next one to work out which strain has two doses of it.... I would expect that the beans I've got will give 75% black and 25% standard bicolour offspring. The stnadard bicolour will be the same as the original plant strain and can goi back into the "general population". Of the black ones, 2/3 will be the same as the parent, with one melanic gene, but the other 1/3 (ie 25% of the total harvest) will be double-melanic, and therefore stable. They will be the basis of Crosskey's Nubian Pea-Bean....

AFAIK there is no French Bean out there that has been hybridised and is sold as F1 - too much work involved.  But they will find a way soon for sure.

I have a climbing red kidney bean - Veitch Climbing from HSL - and could supply a bit of seed.  It is 2009 seed.

I wish you the best of luck for the pea bean experiments and evaluations next year and hope that you will get your own variety.  It is great fun, even if you have to be careful with note taking.  I evaluated 15 F3s of an accidental cross this year and I was really pleased with what I got.  there are more F3s to grow next year and the promising F4s from this year to grow out too.  It will be another year with many bean plants, although all the experimental ones were one 8ft pole per 3 plants per variety.


  • Hectare
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Re: Bean and pea swap
« Reply #64 on: September 27, 2010, 16:23:13 »

AFAIK there is no French Bean out there that has been hybridised and is sold as F1 - too much work involved.  But they will find a way soon for sure.

I have a climbing red kidney bean - Veitch Climbing from HSL - and could supply a bit of seed.  It is 2009 seed.

I wish you the best of luck for the pea bean experiments and evaluations next year and hope that you will get your own variety.  It is great fun, even if you have to be careful with note taking.  I evaluated 15 F3s of an accidental cross this year and I was really pleased with what I got.  there are more F3s to grow next year and the promising F4s from this year to grow out too.  It will be another year with many bean plants, although all the experimental ones were one 8ft pole per 3 plants per variety.

I did think it strange that there was an F1 french bean.... they internally fertilise normally so it would be a bugger to arrange.... but then Cobra seems fairly expensive as seed considering how productive it is...

oooh ooh ooh.... yes please re: Vietch Climbing.... had a look around for it earlier this year and couldn't find any.... 

I'm hoping I can get another plot sorted out in Swindon, it'll give me space to do a lot of my whacky experiments (and grow more squash, they're going to be cramped this year otherwise....



  • Hectare
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Re: Bean and pea swap
« Reply #65 on: September 28, 2010, 20:42:02 »
Beans are drying out nicely...
Some Climbing pinto's spare too.. ;) One of my mystery beans that I wrote about while ago is turned out to be some sort of pinto..not all seed look same and some come out as almost black..I think that is why it has sneaked into my cherokee seeds un-noticed..but I'm still working to find out what variety it might be..
Rice bean (Comtesse de Chamburd) has been better than I thought..our of 7 plants I've got mug full of beans for seed..and it is supposed to be bit shy cropper.
Ernies Big eye's have done well too..and good old purple queen..
Some Black Turtle and Ying Yang ..some Cosse Violette..plenty of borlotto...
My problem with supply this year is that I didn't grown any variety in great quantity..quite few sorts but in bits and with those, once the bagging in start I'll let know what I've got.
I've still got few bush sort to come...fingers cross that weather will keep warm enough few more weeks so I can crop them.


  • Hectare
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Re: Bean and pea swap
« Reply #66 on: September 29, 2010, 12:06:00 »
I'm going to start sorting out beans for seed this weekend (or maybe earlier if I feel up to it).... Are we agreed on the "stick 10 seeds to a strip of card with masking tape" technique?

I also need to sample the Cherokee ToT as a dried bean to work out if I'm growing it next year, though it'll ahve to be pretty special to persuade me....



  • Hectare
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Re: Bean and pea swap
« Reply #67 on: September 29, 2010, 13:38:30 »
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I also need to sample the Cherokee ToT as a dried bean to work out if I'm growing it next yearI eat my cherokee mostly as shelled bean..but as fresh sort..I haven't tried it as dried bean though...but cherokee doesn't really yield that much beans..plenty of pod but not much seed..or is it just mine ???
But my mystery pinto ;D ;D..that has turned out to be cracker...very pleased..very short pods..only couple of inches but solid with seeds...there is no gaps between each seed and plant produce lots of pods..plant are not growing too tall neither only about 6ft. Last year I grew these to eat as green beans and they are ok...nothing special..but this year I let all set for shelling and found it much better ;D


  • Hectare
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Re: Bean and pea swap
« Reply #68 on: September 29, 2010, 13:55:49 »
Just about all my beans this year are dried, the freezer didn't get sorted out until too late.... that said the Giganda's will put a load in there as fresh frozen sooner or later....


  • Hectare
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Re: Bean and pea swap
« Reply #69 on: October 01, 2010, 14:22:33 »
when are we going to do this swap?..just so that I know to prepare and aim to get my beans sorted...While the weather is on 'warm' side I'd like to keep last lot going on as long as possible...all still lush and green..


  • Hectare
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Re: Bean and pea swap
« Reply #70 on: October 01, 2010, 14:57:21 »
I see no particular reason to be in any kind of rush at the moment.  I am still far to busy with the autumn duties and still drying beans.  Once the weather gets too cold and grotty to get outside then I will start to get things moving.

My idea is to get everyone to make a list of what they have available hopelfully on a spreadsheet.  Then I can sent the sheet round and people can choose what they are interested in. 

Then I will have to work out some kind of allocation system for any beans that have too many who want them.  I am not sure what the fairest system will be but I think I will be thinking in terms of giving priority to those people with more interesting varieties on offer and those who regularly take part in the forum.    I am just hoping with a bit of negotiation we can sort things out.  Hopefully it will be fairer than the round robin system which can leave some people with a very poor deal.

I would appreciate peoples views on this.


  • Hectare
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Re: Bean and pea swap
« Reply #71 on: October 01, 2010, 15:22:06 »
I see no particular reason to be in any kind of rush at the moment.  I am still far to busy with the autumn duties and still drying beans.  Once the weather gets too cold and grotty to get outside then I will start to get things moving.

My idea is to get everyone to make a list of what they have available hopelfully on a spreadsheet.  Then I can sent the sheet round and people can choose what they are interested in. 

Then I will have to work out some kind of allocation system for any beans that have too many who want them.  I am not sure what the fairest system will be but I think I will be thinking in terms of giving priority to those people with more interesting varieties on offer and those who regularly take part in the forum.    I am just hoping with a bit of negotiation we can sort things out.  Hopefully it will be fairer than the round robin system which can leave some people with a very poor deal.

I would appreciate peoples views on this.

I thik it's a very good idea... also may I suggest we use google docs to handle the spreadsheet?... amkes it a lot easier for the controller.... I can coordinate setting it up (we use it at work sometimes so i've got a gmail account)

I'm planning on doing the same sort of thing for my squash swap

chrisc s


  • Hectare
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Re: Bean and pea swap
« Reply #72 on: October 01, 2010, 16:28:38 »
Ohh...that's ok rush ::) is raining and someone got a bit I've started bagging some that are dry and ready.. ;D
I'll promise..I shan't get myself into a state that I was with Jeannine's parcel :-X....I'll try not to... ;D ;D


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Re: Bean and pea swap
« Reply #73 on: October 03, 2010, 08:33:59 »
Wowzer Goodlife those are looking great!

It's a mixed old year for me. I'd hoped to be able to share some Gigandes, but they just haven't done that much, and a few of the seeds have started to go a bit mouldy in the pods. So unlikely there will be anything to share on that front, which is a real disappointment, but based on some advice from Galina I'm going to try and keep a couple of the plants going over winter......

I think I've decided that I like CTOT better as a shelling bean - beautiful shiny black beans - perfect for a dal makhani  ;)

Oh and Google docs sounds like a great idea Chris


  • Hectare
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Re: Bean and pea swap
« Reply #74 on: October 03, 2010, 08:49:21 »
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I also need to sample the Cherokee ToT as a dried bean to work out if I'm growing it next yearI eat my cherokee mostly as shelled bean..but as fresh sort..I haven't tried it as dried bean though...but cherokee doesn't really yield that much beans..plenty of pod but not much seed..or is it just mine ???
But my mystery pinto ;D ;D..that has turned out to be cracker...very pleased..very short pods..only couple of inches but solid with seeds...there is no gaps between each seed and plant produce lots of pods..plant are not growing too tall neither only about 6ft. Last year I grew these to eat as green beans and they are ok...nothing special..but this year I let all set for shelling and found it much better ;D

Mystery pinto climber; I have this as well - but all the seeds are black this year [last year they were half black and half speckled but darker than a normal pinto]. where did you get the original seeds from, just interested in case we had the same supplier and have the same cross. I've called mine Black Box; as named by a friend's little on. The speckled ones are called Speckle Chucky...which gives me 3 pintos in the range.


  • Hectare
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Re: Bean and pea swap
« Reply #75 on: October 03, 2010, 08:53:46 »
I will have a look at google docs and see what it has to offer.  It will be a good challenge for me to work out how to use something new.  On a quick look it is quite straight forward.  

I want to have a good space for descriptions.  One thing that bugs me with HSL is the lack of info about the different variieties.  They have it but members do not seem to be able to access it.

So looks like this is a good idea Chris.


  • Hectare
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Re: Bean and pea swap
« Reply #76 on: October 03, 2010, 13:35:46 »
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where did you get the original seeds from, just interested in case we had the same supplier and have the same crossI bought lots of stuff from seedfest..but that was some years ago..and I do remember getting some freebies as well. But at the time beans were not a big thing for me so I did not pay attention what I did get..part from what I ordered ::)  But I've been through my papers, notes, records etc. ..first I thought this pinto was mixed in with Cherokee Tot's ..but now it looks like that it wasn't it  mixed in one of my planting plans mentions of row of pinto on it's well as cherokees...I must have got it mixed in with cherokees by myself with uncareful and learn..
I did checked seedfests old site and in there they did have pinto listed...but it doesn't say variety..just pinto...and not much other description neither..
Code: [Select]
Pinto – 1500's Heirloom. A relative of the Kidney Bean, this variety is widely used for making refried beans and can also be used in recipes that call for Kidney Beans. This half-runner variety gives a good yields of nice green pods that can be used for green beans. The pods contain at least 5 beige colored beans that are streaked with a nice dark brown color. The name “Pinto” means “painted” in Spanish, referring to their unusual coloration. One of the most popular beans in the U.S. 90 days. $1.99 ..that's about all...
« Last Edit: October 03, 2010, 13:40:39 by goodlife »


  • Hectare
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Re: Bean and pea swap
« Reply #77 on: October 03, 2010, 13:41:37 »
Digeroo - I believe HSL are looking at trying to make that info accessible; as you have to save the original yearly brochure to get access to the info....

Goodlife; totally different source; interesting that the same thing has happened to more than one source of beans; perhaps they are susceptible to a CTOT cross as all the people who have got this different pinto in their later growings have also grown CTOT....

I can't read this thread properly anymore due to the width so I'll bow out and just say 'happy bean swapping'....


  • Hectare
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Re: Bean and pea swap
« Reply #78 on: October 03, 2010, 13:47:02 »
but this finding out of the variety name is getting to be a obsession for me now..I've spent hours on line..found some WONDERFUL bean sites, but not quite found right description or photo for what I've now I've resulted of buying a book from Kew books..'Legumes of the world'.. ::) ;D...I do hope it will
'live' for it's reputation..'bean porn' :o....not that they describe it so..I'm just hoping ;D


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Re: Bean and pea swap
« Reply #79 on: October 04, 2010, 08:46:21 »
ever hopeful eh Goodlife! And what a cheap excuse in order to buy some bean porn  :P  :)


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