Author Topic: Skin and coat problems  (Read 10372 times)


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Re: Skin and coat problems
« Reply #20 on: February 11, 2004, 21:11:14 »
Thanks for the info Paul.  Actually, I know quite a few people who feed their dogs on this raw diet.  If you have read my other messages you will note that I am visiting my original vet next week and, subject to her not saying that Bobbie has to be treated for anything more serious, I will definitely give the idea of changing his diet some thought.

I have another problem now with both dogs.  Busby, the 4 year old, has decided that he wants to be the dominant one and it has caused a few fights recently.  This is the problem when you have two entire males.  I think I will probably have to consider having one or both of them castrated.  I don't know if this will lessen the aggression.  I wonder if anyone has had any experience of such things and can let me know what they think.  All I know is that it get a bit hairy when two large dogs start fighting indoors.  It is difficult to separate them :o
Again, any ideas or advice greatfully received.
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:02 by -1 »
Happy gardening all...........Pat


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Re: Skin and coat problems
« Reply #21 on: February 11, 2004, 23:26:31 »
I must be honest Patricia,I'm more responsible for the walking, throwing stuff and belly rubs than the serious stuff  ;)

I showed your post to my partner who knows about such things more than me, and as the song goes, there are more questions than answers...

Getting them neutered may help, but may not solve it entirely...

How much do they fight? Is it escalations of disputes over toys or food? Do they eat seperately to stop any ideas of competition?

How old is the 'other dog' (can't see his name) is it just a natural change with a younger dog taking over from the older one? Or are they just getting to just not like each others faces?

Lots of questions, sorry :-/
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 by 1077926400 »


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Re: Skin and coat problems
« Reply #22 on: February 11, 2004, 23:31:31 »
My mum use to live close to a dog breeder of collie dogs and he use to buy tripe to feed them on so he had no problems with them and he had a few.
Oh Pat two dogs will fight but do you want to breed from either of them? Pity you could not swap one for a female then you could have puppies. I use to breed westies and loved every litter.
But joking aside I have mother and daughter and they have spats where it goes beond threats but so far if I shout they stop I am top pregnant dog in my house.
If I was you when they start use a rolled up newspaper and smack them both with it that has worked with the dogs I have known.
Let us know how it goes with the vet.
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 by 1077926400 »


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Re: Skin and coat problems
« Reply #23 on: February 12, 2004, 00:02:57 »
Thanks for the replies.  First of all Paul, they do not fight that often, there is usually quite a time lapse between spats.  When they do, it is strange as sometimes we can see them just for no reason suddenly squaring up to each other and we have to quickly change the subject so to speak by offering a biscuit to take their minds off it.  Yesterday, Busby came and sat with me and looked at Bobbie (the 7 yr old) and growled, at which Bobbie just charged, but we managed to grab hold of him and avoid the fight.  Today they both had one of those Hi Life chews which I give them occasionally as they are good for their teeth.  Normally they will not fight over these, but the cat came in at an inopportune moment, walked close to Busby who growled as if to say 'keep your distance' and immediately Bobbie charged across the room and attacked.  Having said that it is a bit like 'handbags at ten paces' alot of noise but not much damage (except to my things - one of my ornaments got broken!)  :'(They are big dogs so things go flying when they get started!  You can see a photo of them Paul on 'Faces behind the names' thread in The Gallery if you have not already seen it.  It's as if they are going through the motions but not wanting to really hurt one another.  Really strange.

I have tried rolled up newspaper Teresa and for some things it works, but once they get in these clinches nothing seems to work except getting hold of their tails and physically pulling them apart.  Five minutes later they are the best of mates again!  Anyhow I will let you know how I get on at the vet next week.  She really has got her work cut out what with the skin problems and now this. :-/
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 by 1077926400 »
Happy gardening all...........Pat


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Re: Skin and coat problems
« Reply #24 on: February 20, 2004, 11:18:01 »
Just thought I would give those interested an up-date on Bobbie's problems.

Went back to our original vet yesterday who took one look at him and said that in her opinion he was not showing any signs of Cushings Disease, so why on earth would our temporary vet frighten me by saying he thought he was suffering from this condition, surely he could see if the signs were there ???

However, having said that our original vet has yet to look at the result of the blood tests taken by the temporary vet, but nevertheless she is pretty certain that the problem is hormonal.  Here's hoping.  Hope to hear from her today and maybe referred to a vet who is an expert in skin and hormone conditions.
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 by 1077926400 »
Happy gardening all...........Pat


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Re: Skin and coat problems
« Reply #25 on: February 20, 2004, 23:53:48 »
Patricia, We have a Cavelier King Charles Spaniel who has had loads of problems with his skin and coat and was very lethargic.  The Vet had been through the scenarios of ezcema and allergies and all sorts of things. and he had been on various medication including Steriod Tablets etc.

 But a few years ago we changed Vets and after examining "James"and noticing his bald tail,  she told us she thought he had an underactive thyroid.  Sure enough after the blood tests came back, he did have an underactive thyroid and has been on two soloxine tablets a day.  It made such a difference to his health and his skin and fur.  His tail hair grew back and his hair is quite bushy and healthy now.  He is quite an elderly dog, 13 now, but for those tablets made such a difference to him.   :) busy_lizzie
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 by 1077926400 »
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Re: Skin and coat problems
« Reply #26 on: February 21, 2004, 00:07:17 »
Thanks for those words of encouragement BL.  The vet phoned me tonight and told me that she is 95% certain it is a thyroid problem, but before starting on the soloxine she wants him to see a skin specialist just for her opinion.  He is going to see her next Thursday, so here's hoping she agrees and we can start him on the tablets asap.    She did say though that the tablets have to get right into the system and it can take up to three months before we will see any improvement, so we will just have to be patient.

The only thing is, I think he may have a bladder problem as well as he is drinking too much.  She says this is not related to the thyroid problems and could be a number of things but he probably has a urinary tract infection which will have to be treated separately.  Poor old thing, he has been through the mill these last couple of years.  If I ever get him back to his former glory I will post a picture of him to celebrate.
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 by 1077926400 »
Happy gardening all...........Pat


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Re: Skin and coat problems
« Reply #27 on: February 21, 2004, 00:26:53 »
Patricia, hopefully they are close to finding out what is wrong now, and very soon he could be on something that makes all the difference to him.  It did take James a few months to improve, but as I say he is very good now considering his age.  

Dogs seem so brave and you can suffer for them so much, so hope "alls well that ends well", soon.  Do keep us informed how he gets on, and  give him a big hug from me!  All the best!  busy_lizzie.   :)  
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 by 1077926400 »
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Re: Skin and coat problems
« Reply #28 on: February 24, 2004, 11:19:57 »
Just thought I would let you know BL that I am picking up some soloxine tablets from the vet today.  I think the vet is convinced that this is Bobbie's main problem, so here's hoping they will make all the difference.  Seeing a skin specialist in a couple of weeks.

In the meantime, watch this space - it will probably be some time before we can see a difference but hope it will all be worth it in the end after all he has been through.  When I have any news I will let you know.

By the way, gave him a big hug from you - he loved it :D

Thanks for your kind words of support everyone. :-* :)
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:02 by -1 »
Happy gardening all...........Pat


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Re:Skin and coat problems
« Reply #29 on: March 03, 2004, 19:47:51 »
Oh! dear Patricia, when we discussed this problem of Bobbie's last year on P.A.P., I thought that you had found the problem - i.e. flea drops.    Your groomer had suggested this, and I concurred as it had happened to some of my customers.   Obviously this was not the answer, and you've continued to suffer the problem - I'm so sorry for you and for Bobby.  

You said you were feeding James Wellbeloved Lamb & Rice, and I said this was a quality food.    But did I also mention that Annie also has an excema problem which we solved by feeding her Hills Science Plan Canine Performance which has a 30% fat content.   When at 7 years old we changed her to Senior, the excema came back, and we had to switch her back to Performance immediately.   Royal Canin also make a feed with a high fat content, but I don't know too much about this.

I mention this because I had a customer come into the Shop who had been to the Vet with a dog that had a severe skin problem, but he couldn't find the cause.   I suggested Performance to them which they took, and within three months, I couldn't recognise the dog - it had improved so much.

Dogs (and cats) can metabolise oils and fats far better than humans, and some dogs need more than others - some less.   When we changed Annie over to Performance, we saw a change in her condition within two weeks, and a cure in six weeks.  

Patricia, this has gone on for far too long,and I sincerely hope that it is solved very soon.
Every best wish, Colin.


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Re:Skin and coat problems
« Reply #30 on: March 03, 2004, 21:45:55 »
Hi Colin - nice to hear from you after all this time.  I agree with you, this has gone on far too long.  If you have read this long discussion you will note that I went for a second opinion which turned out to be an utter disaster.  The man was obviously just out for what he could get out of us.  My original vet is not convinced from looking at the results of the blood tests that Bobbie has a zinc deficiency.  She is 95% certain that it is thyroid and he is now on tablets for that.  His skin has improved over the past few months and his fur has started coming back on his tail but his flanks are still not as shey should be.  He is going to the vet hospital for some further tests on Friday, I think the vet said tests on his fur.  Apparently they have some special type of cellotape which they take samples of his fur and test it.  This is at the request of the skin specialist we have an appointment with on 13th March.

To cap it all, Bobbie has some sort of bladder problem.  He is drinking too much and his urine is too dilute so I have to take a specimen in for them to test.  I don't know, these pets are a worry at times.

By the way, how are you, I hope you are well.  Are you still doing your Secretary's job?

I will keep you posted on the next visit to the vet.
Happy gardening all...........Pat


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Re:Skin and coat problems
« Reply #31 on: March 13, 2004, 10:36:22 »
YET ANOTHER UPDATE ::)  We have now seen the skin specialist who has taken some samples of Bobbie's fur to look at under a microscope.  The result of this examination may mean that Bobbie has to undergo more tests in the form of skin biopsies.  The poor boy has now also got a suspicious dark lump appeared on one of his front paws which the vet says needs to be investigated.  I am quite concerned about this as Flatcoated Retrievers are prone to cancer. The vet is phoning me on Monday evening to let me know the results of these latest tests and then probably we will have to book him into the hospital.  I do hope we can resolve this problem soon :(
Happy gardening all...........Pat


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Re:Skin and coat problems
« Reply #32 on: March 13, 2004, 11:09:59 »
Patricia, am so sorry,  you and Bobbie are certainly going through the mill at the moment!  :(

However, my lab also developed lump on foot later in life.  Was in qhite difficult place too.  but, was there during op to remove it, done under local anaesthetic.  It was successfully removed, proved benign, and she never had any further trouble.  Not necessarily as alarming as sounds, so do take heart  :) :) :)

Will be thinking of you  :-*
Muddy Boots


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Re:Skin and coat problems
« Reply #33 on: March 13, 2004, 13:59:19 »
Also so sorry to hear the awful time you and poor Bobbie are having.  If it is not one thing its another!  Our dog James has had several lumps on his paws which turned out to be only warts, so try not to worry as it could be something perfectly harmless.  All the best and thinking  of you too!  :) busy_lizzie
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Re:Skin and coat problems
« Reply #34 on: March 14, 2004, 19:04:05 »
I've got my fingers, toes and eyes crossed for you and Bobby.
Every best wish, Colin.


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Re:Skin and coat problems
« Reply #35 on: March 18, 2004, 19:59:18 »
Hopefully we are beginning to see the light at the end of tunnel with Bobbie's problems.  I have heard from the vet hospital that I have to take him in on Monday morning for his skin biopsies and also to have his lump removed.  The vet said if it wasn't for the lump, the biopsies could have waited a little longer to see if the thyroid tablets he is taking are  having the desired effect.  We don't want him to have two operations in close proximity, so the whole lot is being done in one go.

The skin specialist says it could well be a thyroid problem but has to do the biopsies to rule out a possible glandular problem which could be the cause of his skin and coat condition.  Final up-date I hope following Monday's op.
Happy gardening all...........Pat


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Re:Skin and coat problems
« Reply #36 on: March 20, 2004, 09:48:06 »
Oh Pat,
Give Bobby a hug from me lets hope this time they can sort him out will be waiting for your reply on monday to see whats happening. Cyber hugs to you both. :-*


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Re:Skin and coat problems
« Reply #37 on: March 20, 2004, 18:33:29 »
Pat, Hope at last Bobbies problems can all be sorted.  You and he have had quite a time.  Sending positive thoughts to you both  :D busy_lizzie
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Re:Skin and coat problems
« Reply #38 on: March 22, 2004, 09:47:08 »
Well, the dreaded day has arrived and I have dropped my baby boy in at the hospital :(  Needless to say, he didn't want to go in.   He has to have three skin biopsies, one(possibly two) lumps removed and a large wart removed.  Poor boy, he is going to be a bit sore as the skin biopsies will need stitches.  Probably wont know the result for a few days so will let you have a final (I hope) up-date then.
Happy gardening all...........Pat


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Re:Skin and coat problems
« Reply #39 on: March 22, 2004, 19:00:35 »
Fingers, toes, and eyes still crossed.
Every best wish, Colin.


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