Author Topic: you may not see me fro a while..Jeannine  (Read 9728 times)


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Re: you may not see me fro a while..Jeannine
« Reply #20 on: June 22, 2016, 10:12:46 »
I hope you feel better soon Jeannine.    (((((hugs))))) xx


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Re: you may not see me fro a while..Jeannine
« Reply #21 on: July 15, 2016, 09:24:49 »
Jeannine,  how have you been?  Hope you didn't have to go to hospital in the end and that you are on the mend. 

Please let us know how you are when you can. Missing your posts and missing you.  :wave:


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Re: you may not see me fro a while..Jeannine
« Reply #22 on: August 12, 2016, 20:48:24 »
Have just received a pm from Jeannine.  She is well, her computer not and her garden is difficult too:

She writes:
.........very brief..I am computer is not, it lets me on then freezes, sometimes after 10 minutes it will ley me change page but it is useless and I have to replace it..this message could vanish ay any minute.I can't get on the forum, well I can get on one topic but it will not let me change page.

Please convey message to forum that I am in dire straits with this rotten machine and can't post ..

2016 seeds. not doing so well, this is the worst summer I hab=v ever knowm, we have had mildew on all melons cukes, courgettes almost since day one I have had 2 cougetttes of 12 assorted plants, none from the trailing galia one.

The nine star os going great, but just getting bigger and bigger and is full of holes but all the plants seem to be hanging on, ditto to the daubenton.Tomatoes have been terrible, Mr rat got my biggie for this year I was so mad.Broadies useless, every ant in the neighbourhood built nests in the broadie bed, they were on e mass of sticky green,I got quite bitten trying to pull them out. Gigantes beans are doing well though, and my family beans are doing well too

Caulis went to seeds when tiny, kale is fine,cabbages seem to be OK and brussells are hanging on  but Mr Rat got me beets again.

Better go I am pushing my luck, it keeps stopping and starting..planning on buying a new full desk top model in a few weeksas this new laptop has to go

Sorryto be so hurried but wanted to connect with at least I=one person and I hope it lets me send it,not even trying to correct mistakes...XX Jeannine

Glad to hear from Jeannine and hope she will get a new machine soon.


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Re: you may not see me fro a while..Jeannine
« Reply #23 on: September 22, 2016, 18:17:01 »
Hi folks, me again, thank you for all your good wishes and thanks to Galina for posting my e mail. I still have rotten pooter as I have been unable to get out to replace it so I will see how it goes today.

Lots has happened here over the summer, some good ,mostly not so good so here goes.

My being off kilter hung on, I didn't go in the hospital but never quite seemed to recover although the exhaustion I had did ease off a lot.

My garden and greenhouse of course was thoroughly neglected. We had an odd summer here. Early on it was full summer by the end of April and I risked putting everything out, it all went great, fruit on the courgettes etc then by June it was terrible here, it rained constantly and was cold and that is more or less what our summer was like, we ended up with mildew on the courgettes in July and just let them go, then in late August we got heat again and some stuff put out new leaves. all in all a big mess.So that is the gardening news.

Personally, tired , sore but on the go I carried on till about a month ago. As many of you know I now live in my daughters home, she has a large house with a full 3 bedroom suite it is beautiful but the down side is I have 9 steps outside to get to the garden level and I have slipped once or twice, it was just a matter of time till I took a good tumble so I was thinking seriously about buying an apartment.

We have what is called a carriage house in on the property too, it was built 4 years ago for me son in laws mother but sadly she died before it was finished and there it has sat ever since. It is very beautiful, we would describe it in the UK as a bungalow. SIL mother only wanted 1 bedroom so the second one was given a garage door and it was used for storage.

Well the anticipated fall came about a month ago and I did a Peter Pan down the 9 concrete stairs,nothing broken, but knee sprained, shoulder torn and very bruised, 2 weeks in bed etc, so a decision had to be made..and we made it.

I am going in the little house. with some modifications. Already done is the garage door, it has been replaced by a full wall and a ;lovely big window, this will be my sewing room. The kitchen is having a counter extended to get a dishwasher in, so new counters have to be done all round as we can't match them. The Tv was made to go over the mantle piece which I don't like, so it is being moved to a corner and the recess where it was has to be filled in and a custom made cabinet has to be made for the corner..

Anyway my story is getting long, the window and outside are done, plasterboard etc is being done inside today, the electrician has finished, he put fans in the ceilings, moved some plugs, put some extras in etc you do. The TV cable man has finished. The outside painting was completed yesterday and my garden furniture was placed around, so it s getting close to completion. Just waiting for the cabinet guy.

It was hard decision as a lot of my furniture wouldn't go in but it is the right one. So I have a brand new 2 bedroom bungalow about 30 yards from my greenhouse, I have a pretty arbor as you approach it and a little pond, I  splashed out and made the transition  to stainless steel for the fridge, stove, dishwasher and over the stove microwave so in about three weeks it should be ready. My little garden is actually alongside the little house so everything is  around me and no more stairs..

It is a beautiful little house, one bedroom, sewing room with plug for my kiln too, laundry room, just 1 bathroom, beautiful kitchen with a full glass door and pantry.No dining room though, I had the option of the new room as a sewing room or dining room and chose the sewing room. Lovely sitting area is all there.

So there is my long update, hopefully no more falls, I have been lucky so far . Growing next year will be on a very small scale and sadly no through the winter growing indoors as there is no room for my lights unless I can rig some heat in the greenhouse.

I hope everyone is well and your UK weather was better than ours, it was a very odd year for weather

XX Jeannine
When God blesses you with a multitude of seeds double  the blessing by sharing your  seeds with other folks.


  • Hectare
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Re: you may not see me fro a while..Jeannine
« Reply #24 on: September 22, 2016, 20:39:25 »
Lovely to hear your news Jeannine. Sounds like you will be as snug as a bug in a rug in your new home :happy7:. Hope you have fully recovered from the fall and will be able to move around more freely and safely with everything you need close by. Take care and keep us posted.

Tricia  :wave:


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Re: you may not see me fro a while..Jeannine
« Reply #25 on: September 23, 2016, 10:27:21 »
I am so glad you got the coach house, Jeannine.  Yes it sounds a most luxurious detached 'granny annex'.  And plenty of bling too with all the shiny new appliances.  :icon_cheers:

So much safer, that should stop you worrying every time you negotiate the stairs.  Hope it will be nice and warm in winter too.  Was sad to hear of your fall and the pain you are still in.  Just hope your mobility will be better soon. 

Well, gardens can usually take a bit of neglect.  Hope you will find that plenty has survived your grim summer and the weeds whilst you weren't able to keep a watchful eye. 

So good to hear from you again.  Onwards and upwards and much happiness in your new home!  :wave:


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Re: you may not see me fro a while..Jeannine
« Reply #26 on: September 23, 2016, 17:38:32 »
Lovely to hear about your new home, Jeannine- any chance of a photo?  :happy7:


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Re: you may not see me fro a while..Jeannine
« Reply #27 on: September 23, 2016, 18:46:57 »
Hi again, thank you once more for the good wishes, it means a lot.
I will try for photos. I was never very good with a camera and computer that was Johns job but I have managed to figure out the camera , now I just have to figure out how to get them on my pooter, then I am Ok as I know how to post them.My son in law knows though so maybe he can do it or e mail them to me as he did the last time.

Decisions decisions, so many, things I have had for many years , things that have crossed the Atlantic 3 times probably won't be able to fit in, like my antique dolls pram and high chair, my spinning wheel,, stuff like that but we will see. My sewing room will have bookcases all down one side and many smaller things kike the old teddies, gollies  etc will sit on the top. I am NOT parting with my Radley bags!!

Well I am sort of looking forward to the new year now, a lot better than I was a few months ago.

XX Jeannine
When God blesses you with a multitude of seeds double  the blessing by sharing your  seeds with other folks.


  • Hectare
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Re: you may not see me fro a while..Jeannine
« Reply #28 on: September 24, 2016, 08:02:55 »
Hi Jeannine I didn't see the original message I am so sorry you have such a difficult time with your health...wonderful to hear that you have found such a lovely solution. I wish you great happiness in your new home xJane


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Re: you may not see me fro a while..Jeannine
« Reply #29 on: September 24, 2016, 09:50:10 »
Best wishes in your new home, sounds lovely. Weather here was nothing to write home about either and lots of stuff did badly. Here's hoping that next year is a cracker for crops and better health!


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Re: you may not see me fro a while..Jeannine
« Reply #30 on: October 06, 2016, 22:13:38 »
Happy new home! You've had a tricky and stressful summer here's to a crafty and garden planning autumn and winter. Did you see we came joint first with a 679g belmonte tomato! A reflection of a damp and overcast summer.x sunloving


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Re: you may not see me fro a while..Jeannine
« Reply #31 on: October 07, 2016, 11:07:36 »
good to hear you recovering Jeannine. have good rest through winter, you will be amazed how productive it is doing small scale growing :)


  • Hectare
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Re: you may not see me fro a while..Jeannine
« Reply #32 on: March 15, 2017, 10:41:38 »
Gosh i disapear for a while and you go and have an adventure Jeannine, i am so glad that dispite the lemons thrown at you that you have made the best of it and have a brand new home which will allow you to focus on enjoying life rather than worrying about falling - Big hugs xxx And i agreed dont part with your Radleys !!


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Re: you may not see me fro a while..Jeannine
« Reply #33 on: March 29, 2017, 22:41:44 »
Wishing you the very best. I think of you often.....Ijust need to see a squash seed :)



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Re: you may not see me fro a while..Jeannine
« Reply #34 on: April 14, 2017, 14:01:37 »
Take care of yourself Jeannine. It catches up with all of us in the end!  Slow and steady is the trick.
2012 - Snow in February, non-stop rain till July. Blight and rot are rife. Thieving voles cause strife. But first runner beans and lots of greens. Follow an English allotment in urban France:


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