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Just a thought peeps.  Appeals to me because I like eating as much as growing things.  

Dan owns site, Recipes4all.  I know we have a recipe thread here but would you be interested in a sister site for sharing our favourite transformations of lottie produce?  Tim got me thinking about this with his parsnip soup!  Thanks, by the way, for taking the trouble to post the recipe!

I hope you will all have opinions on this idea and post back with your thoughts.  After all, part of the reason for 'growing your own' is because it all tastes so much better than shop bought stuff.

Sitting here with bated breath  ;D


Personally I would prefer to keep it here, saves visiting two sites!

Is it possible to have a link to the recipes4all page on the recipes folder?  Then, if we want to 'travel', we can!
AC x

That is a brill idea chick :DHave to say that my 'loyalty' will be to A4A but a link would be an excellent idea, without having to log in and out of different sites.

Bit thick here - if we have a slot here, why another? Surely that can only confuse and dilute? And there are so many other existing food slots, which some of 'this lot' frequent.

And why, in recipes4all, can you only find sweet things? = Tim


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