General > The Shed

Inspired by Legless....

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Bizarre - can you find out where s/he got this information from?

reminds me of the librarian who recently wouldn't let me renew my library books over the phone "because of the data protection act"

God - the world's gone mad!  I did ask him for his source - it came third hand via the Secretary who heard it from a plotholder who had seen it on the ODPM of DeFRA website on the internet.

The trouble is that now, unless I can prove otherwise, the supply of manure will not be resumed!!


Ceri, as an ex-librarian, I think that's ridiculous!!!!!!

Unless you didn't know who you were and had to ask her for your own name/address details??

Ten x

Cannot move animal waste??? I can just imagine all the horses at my yard being up to their elbows in their own pooh now. Unless we can train them to go to the muck heap and do it there. But then the muck heap'll be so huge it'll take over the whole of East London.

I haven't heard anything about this. Are you sure it wasn't just an F&M thing?

OK - just had a look at Defre site and it seems to suggest that it only applies to manure from farmed animals (horses not included) but then it seems to be F&M manure only. confused. I think it is against Defra's nature (not that they'd know about nature if it kicked them up the backside) to actually write something that makes sense. Have a look, if you dare:

Hi All
I believe the intelligence  to be highly suspect!  I wouldn't be surprised if somebody has just put their own (and maybe incorrect) interpretation on things ....  trouble is, people on the Committee have translated this as 'no more poo allowed' and those with the power are unanimous in this!!

My powers of persuasion may prevail - in the meantime I'll have to look for a stable wanting rid of the muck heap and somebody with a trailer ....  

AC  8)


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