General > The Shed

Mysticmog.. hope all is well?

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MM - hope everything is well.

No holidays for us again this year - bought our first house two years ago, so money's tight and we spend our holidays decorating and gardening. Much more fun really! Plus any spare cash this year is going on the new double glazing. Shame really as one of my cousins is getting married in March and we can't go (my family is Maltese - cool Oz that you like my home country so much!) And have to visit my sister before she moves from Holland to Spain. My family is very geographically spread!

Lo peeps!!  Me havin fun in 'ol new orleans at mardi bra - ta muchly for nice thoughts re Mum.  She out of hosp and is on blood pressure drugs, but seems in good spirits - was orrible leavin her while she was still in hosp but she made me  ::)

New orleans is fab, people are fab, food is a bit too fab and I'm gonna be HUGE by the time I get back...

Ta again for nice thoughts


Nice to hear from you Mystic!!


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